Satan:"What took you so long,may I ask?" He sat beside me and smiled. Pfft.
Taehyung:"Nothing,You said that it was important. What is it?"
I handed my phone to him and he saw what she posted about me and her latest post.
Taehyung:"Oh this is Choi Jennie, Choi Y/n's younger sibling." Her sibling? Well mate i don't care.
Satan:"I need her information. Right now."
Satan:"You're a hacker. Right?"
He nodded and started to do my order. I was just sitting, waiting for him to give the information about her.
A few minutes later,finally he gave me.

Name:Choi Jennie
Occupation: Highschool sweetheart
Parents: Choi Y/d,Choi Y/m
Sibling:Choi Y/n

She's the popular girl of her school.

I slapped Taehyung and he looked at me like he did nothing. My anger was boiling like someone put oil on burning fire.

Taehyung:"Why did you slap me!?" He whined and i just glared at him
Satan:"I WANT CHOI Y/N'S INFORMATION YOU BASTARD!" He flinched and nodded
Taehyung:"You didn't say it clearly before-"
Satan:"EXCUSE ME!? ONE MORE WORD, I WON'T CARE IF YOU'RE MY FRIEND OR NOT I'LL JUST SHOOT YOU. NOW SHUSH AND DO WHAT I SAID!" I slammed the table and he started doing what i said. Soon he gave me Y/n's information.

Name:Choi Y/n
Occupation:Artist, college  2nd year
Parents:Choi Y/d,Choi Y/m
Sibling:Choi Jennie
Smart,clever,savage and a beautiful girl who loves to paint and study. Her dream is to paint her and her future partner although she is not interested in anyone right now. She loves her parents and her sister. Doesn't have any friends. No bad habits. Just a normal girl who loves Art.
Address: XXXXXXXXXX Seoul, Korea

Satan:"She's from Seoul?" I asked and he replied
Taehyung:"Yeah, She's so pretty isn't she-" I gave him the most scariest
glare of mine and he kept his hand on his mouth
Satan:"She is..Mine" I don't know why i said this, I barely know that girl and i just got obsessive with her. Taehyung is right, She's pretty indeed. But that's not important for me now. Her sister made jokes of me. I want to kill her but since she loves her too much,I can't. If she does make jokes of me one more time... I'm striking their whole family except Y/n. I was thinking and finally after Taehyung tapped my shoulder,i came back to reality.

Taehyung:"Is there anymore thing you need Jiminie?" I nodded no.
Taehyung:"Alright then,Call me when you need me. Bye!" He left. You probably don't understand. My real name is Park Jimin. I don't like when people call me by it except when my parents or Taehyung call me it. Taehyung is my bestfriend since childhood. He's also very smart in hacking and getting information about people. He has always helped me when I'm in need but oh well. That's not what's important now. I got a message from my dad. I looked at it and saw that

Dad:Look at the news. Immediately.

I was confused and turned on the news. And something i didn't want to see. ARGH!

"A popular girl named Choi Jennie,sister of the "Asia's best artist" Choi Y/n has posted this. People started to make this as a trend and use it to annoy Satan.

People are being scared of this man for no reason like he can't even stand next to jack the ripper. I wonder if he looked like this 😂😂😂🤣🤣

She compared Satan with Jack the ripper and posted a hilarious picture of Satan

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She compared Satan with Jack the ripper and posted a hilarious picture of Satan. What do you think Satan would do if he sees this?"

I sat on the bed frustrated. My mind is about to explode. Having an obsession on a girl who i barely know,wanting to kill a girl who i barely know.. and being the most richest and dangerous of Asia... It's all too hard to handle. I sighed and slept to just forget it.


I was woken up by Jennie,Who was begging me to take a picture with her so that she can post it on Instagram.  I couldn't say no .
We took a selfie  and she posted it on Instagram. I smiled and asked

Y/n:"Did you eat?" She nodded no. I looked at the time and it was 8am. She didn't eat 'till now?
Y/n:"Go and eat!" She nodded in annoyance and went to eat. It was getting late for my college so i took a quick shower and did morning routine and wore a simple jeans and t shirt. I don't like to overwear. I quickly grabbed my sandwich and rushed out of the door. I got in my car and started driving to my college. I was eating my sandwich and listening to songs on the way. Finally when i arrived i saw a crowd of people surrounding my car. Wait,when did u get popular? I got off and one screamed

I nodded and one of them handed their phone to me. I saw Jennie's post.

People are being scared of this man for no reason like he can't even stand next to jack the ripper. I wonder if he looked like this 😂😂😂🤣🤣

Boy:"YOUR SISTER IS SO BRAVE!"I widened my eyes reading her post

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I widened my eyes reading her post. I managed to escape from there and i immediately called Jennie. She didn't pick it up. Oh god! What if that Satan does something to her!? I got a notification. It was a news.. JENNIE'S POST WAS ON THE NEWS! This is getting bad and bad,if that Satan sees this.. Our whole family is dead... Soon the bell rang and i rushed to my class as i had a test. I couldn't write the test properly just because of thinking about Jennie. I was worried. I scratched my head. After the test,yeah i failed but that's not what's important.. I called Jennie and she isn't attending it! That SATAN! If he does anything to my sister I'll kill him! I started to panick and finally it was the end of college. I rushed out and got in my car.

~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~~

Hello,Howdy do today? I'm fine. I hope that the story lines are getting interesting and intresting by each episodes. Because randomly on 11th October the story of Eve and Adam popped in my mind and it gave me the inspiration to write this book. I hope you liked it so far. Soon things will get more interesting. This is just the beginning. If you did like this chapter,kindly vote,follow if you didn't and comment. Kindly leave book suggestions if you want to. Love yah! Have a good day/night.
(I'm Writing this in 10pm,so I'm pretty sleepy. Sorry for the short chapter)

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