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I was at Y/n's home. I knocked on the door and Jennie opened it. I smirked underneath my mask. She looked at me confused

Jennie:"Who are you sir?" I came closer and closer and went inside the house and sat on the couch without saying anything.
Jennie:"Excuse me? Who are you!?"
I just gave her the picture of Y/n.
Jennie:"My sis- WHO ARE YOU-" I took
off my mask and she was staring at me. Kinda weird. Oh well.
Jimin:"Where's Y/n?" I grabbed the picture from her hand
Jennie:"She's not home yet- firstly who the heck are you?" I laughed and placed my gun on her head. She was about to scream so i covered her mouth.
Jimin:"I'm Satan dear." She widened her eyes and started crying. Pfft, i didn't think it would be this easy to make her cry.
Jennie:"L-leave me!" I grabbed her hair and she screamed. Then i felt someone's presence behind me. I turned behind and WHAT THE FUCK!?


I came home and saw the doors open,fuck! I saw a man placing a gun on Jennie's head. I quickly rushed inside the house after hearing her scream. The dark figured turned around and i kicked him in the balls. He fell down and i came infront of Jennie. Jennie hid behind me.

Jimin:"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I looked at his face and damn,he was handsome and hot.

Jimin:"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I looked at his face and damn,he was handsome and hot

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Fuck that glare

I heard Jennie crying and she said something
Jennie:"He's Satan.."
I widened my eyes. I was going to take my phone to call the police but suddenly he grabbed it and pointed his gun to me.
Jimin:"What are you going to do? Call the police? Pfft, I'm not scared of them. If i just make a single call to my men, they'll finish them up. And your sister.. posted about me..How am i supposed to ignore it? LOOK AT MY HANDSOME FACE! but she doesn't matter to me anymore. What matters is.. You." He said pointing at me. Jennie suddenly went inside her room and hid. My heart was beating faster and faster because he locked the door and started to come towards me. Oh god!! I wish dad was here. He pinned me on the wall and held my waist. He pulled me closer to him. My face was turning red as a 🍅. He smirked looking at my flustered face. It's quite embarassing. He sniffed my neck and said

Jimin:"You smell so good babe." Babe wtf!?? He called me babe! I was about to curse at him but he smashed his lips on mine harshly. He was kissing me hungrily. My lips started bleeding and tears escaped from my eyes. He didn't stop. After a few minutes he left me. He saw the blood on my lips and the tears on my face. He turned around and murmured something.

Jimin:"fuck!" He looked back at me again and wiped the blood and tears off me. He held my chin and said

Jimin:"Your tears and blood are very precious. But you can use them for me, just don't waste it for someone else" He said while grabbing my waist and started placing wet kisses on my neck. Hickeys were all around my neck. I couldn't do anything else than cry. This is the first time someone's ever did this to me. It hurts.
Y/n:"P-Please ... L-Leave me..."
Jimin:"Why should i?" He said through the kiss
Y/n:"It h-hurts!" I said while sobbing hardly. He looked at me. His stare made me cry even more. He sighed and sat on the couch. He signalled me to sit with him. I ignored him by crying. He glared at me and came towards me. He held my waist and placed on his lap. I tried to get up and he was holding me tightly. I couldn't get off his grip. His hands started roaming around my body. Suddenly,his hands sneaked into my pants. He explored it and inserted his hand into my pantie. He started rubbing it and cupped it. I moaned while crying. Fuck that was so embarassing. I could feel him smirking. He started rubbing my clit in a circular motion,teasing me. I kept moaning and begging but he didn't leave. Suddenly,he inserted his fingers so deeply. I screamed loudly. He started being rough. I couldn't help but scream my lungs out. He took his hands out of my pants and looked at me. I kept my head down, because when i was crying.. i looked bad. He lifted my chin up and sighed. He pecked my lips softly and wiped my tears. He zipped my jeans and placed me on the couch. He took his phone out and showed my painting to me.

 He took his phone out and showed my painting to me

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I looked at him and he smiled.

Jimin:"You're a great artist,Y/n. Do you mind being my girlfriend?" I widened my eyes and shook my head. NO! His smile faded away. He started glaring at me and pulled me closer to him. Our faces were just inches away. He started kissing me roughly. I was helpless. Jennie was already crying. She's only 17,she doesn't know what to do ... I'm supposed to be the obedient and strong one but this man is way stronger than me. I pushed him away but he grabbed me back and started leaving hickeys. He undressed me and bit my nipples. I screamed. His teeth were like a vampire's teeth. Sharp. He licked my wet pussy and kept in his little friend in me. I screamed. His little friend was too big and thick for me. He kept pushing. I cried for so many seconds. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned to hours. Finally he let go,leaving me naked. He smirked at seeing the blood on the floor.

Jimin:"You were a virgin? Good. I'll see you soon again,babe. Love you bye!" He kissed my forehead and left.
I could barely get up. I strained myself and got dressed. I cleaned the blood and the mess and wiped my tears because i don't want Jennie to worry about it. It's my fault. I shouldn't have given myself to him. I should've fought him back. I sighed. I knocked on Jennie's door and she opened the door while crying. She looked around and checked if Jimin was there.

Y/n:"What happened Jennie?" I asked her in a casual tone
Jennie:"Where is h-he?" I made a confused face
Y/n:"Who? Are you searching for someone?" She blinked twice
Jennie:"S-Satan?" I laughed
Y/n:"Look at the time, It's 8pm. You usually sleep at this time. Did you have a bad dream?"
Jennie:"No i swear, I heard you screaming and that guy h-he pointed his gun on me and-"
Y/n:"You're completey collapsed Jennie,come let's go watch tv"
Y/n:"Jennie..." She sighed
Jennie:"Fine.." We both started watching the tv. We were watching a comedy film. Jennie laughed and she felt better. I'm glad. Hopefully she doesn't thinks what happened earlier is true. She's only seventeen. I don't want her to suffer because of me. I should be a good sister and protect her. Soon,i heard mom and dad coming. I opened the door and mom hugged me as i hugged her back. She kissed mine and Jennie's forehead.

Dad:"So,What are you two doing? No homeworks?" Me and Jennie laughed awkwardly
Y/n:"Actually.. we gotta go ... and do it now.. bye!" We both ran into our rooms. Dad sighed.


Ah, that was the best! She was so good. She's definitely the one for me. Such a beauty. She's so damn sexy. What was her college name again? Oh i remember.. Well I'm going there tomorrow. For an important business..

~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~~
Hey! How are ya today? Fine? I just got beaten up by my mom.😀 Just Asian mom things. Because of my exams. Guess my marks.. I'm the topper but still mah parents aren't satisfied with my marks😒
Especially because i got 66 out of 80 in my mother tongue. :(
But in total i got 445/500. I think it's good. Is it? Well enough. Sorry for the short chapter once again because right now my mum's cursing at me with all the bad words she knows. I gotta go and study. So bye bye ! Love yah. Have a good day/night.<3

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