Chapter 24

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I never thought I'd go to Homecoming. I never thought someone would ask me. Especially someone as amazing as Bradley.

But here I am in the dress Bradley bought me, doing my hair and makeup. I want to look pretty for him. I want to look worthy of being with him.

My dress is a pretty lavender color with a floral lace top. The skirt flares out and stops halfway down my thigh. With it, I'm wearing silver heels and I have a silver clutch—both of which Bradley insisted on buying me. He said he wanted to spoil me, and even though it felt wrong, I let him because it made him happy.

I curled my hair, but left it down. It flowed around my shoulders.

For my makeup, I kept it light as usual with just mascara and some lip gloss. I did add some eyeshadow though because it's a special occasion. I did neutral colors—nothing flashy—but I still did it and it doesn't look too bad. I watched lots of videos on YouTube to make sure I got it right. I wouldn't want to look like a clown and embarrass Bradley.

When I was finally ready, I put my phone in my clutch and went for the door. When I opened it, Bradley was waiting outside with his back to me.

When he heard the door open, he turned and grinned at me.

"You look beautiful," he said.

I blushed and looked down, mumbling a thank you.

"Here, this is for you." I looked over to Bradley's hands and saw a corsage. He took it out of the box and slid it onto my wrist. It was a little scratchy, but I didn't care. I was just so happy that he thought to get that for me.

We already ate, so Bradley took my hand and led me down to the car. He opened my door like a perfect gentleman and closed it once I was in.

Once he was in his seat, he started the car and took my hand in his.

Bradley held my hand the whole way to the school.

The dance was held in the gym. It had been transformed into a beautiful venue with fairy lights and flowers and streamers. It was beautiful.

I looked around in awe when Bradley led me in.

"Wow," I said and Bradley chuckled.

He took my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles, making me blush. "Dance with me?"

I nodded and walked with Bradley out to the dance floor. I could feel the eyes on us, but I didn't really care. All I cared about was Bradley.

I placed my hands on Bradley's shoulders and his went to my waist, sending a jolt of electricity throughout my body. We started swaying to the music and I found myself leaning in closer to Bradley. I rested my cheek on his chest and relaxed as we danced together.

Bradley and I danced the whole night, only stopping when my feet hurt.

"I should've worn sneakers," I complained and Bradley laughed.

"Now you know for next time."

My heart skipped a beat. He wants there to be a next time!

Just as I was about to respond, Principal Weatherby came on stage and took the microphone.

"Good evening everyone," he said. "Thank you all for coming to our Homecoming Dance!"

People cheered but I just rolled my eyes. Principal Weatherby was up there trying to be entertaining but he was trying too hard and I was getting second hand embarrassment.

"Now, it's time to announce our King and Queen."

A roar went through the crowd.

"Sabrina Castillo is your Queen and your King is...Bradley Brooks!"

My eyebrows furrowed and I looked to Bradley in confusion. "You ran for King?" I asked. Why didn't he tell me?

Bradley looked down at me with just as much confusion. "No, I didn't."

"Sabrina," we both said at the same time.

"Well, you've got to go up there," I said, giving him a slight shove. I was disappointed, but he did have to go, even if he didn't actually want to be King.

Sabrina was already on the stage, smirking, as Bradley made his way up. Cheers went through the crowd and I watched as Bradley and Sabrina got their crowns. Next, they would dance.

I felt tears well in my eyes. I know Bradley doesn't want this, but I still can't watch it.

I rushed out of the gym and made my way towards the lobby. I needed some fresh air.

The only sound was my shoes clicking on the tile floor.

Until I heard someone cock a gun.

My head shot up and my eyes widened in fear when I saw my dad standing there, aiming a gun at my head.

Slowly, I started backing away as panic rose in me. I was going to die. I was going to fucking die!

"Dad," I choked out.

He laughed cruelly. "Don't call me that. You don't get to call me that."

My dad kept approaching me and I kept backing away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep him from shooting me until help arrived.

"I'm here to take everything from you, the way you took everything from me."

I gasped.



I have to get back to him. I have to protect him!

A pair of arms wrapped around me, holding me in place. I struggled until I realized I knew those arms.

I looked up and saw Bradley.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked. "You're supposed to be dancing with Sabrina."

"I only dance with one Queen," he said stroking my cheek.

Bradley turned so he was closest to the gun.

"No!" I screamed, remembering what was happening and where we were. "You have to run Bradley. He's going to kill you!"

"I'm not leaving you," Bradley growled.

My dad just stood there holding the gun. "Now isn't that sweet."

"Please!" I begged Bradley. "Go!"

Bradley just wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"If we go down, we go down together," he whispered in my ear. "I'm staying with you until the end."

A sob tore out of my throat and I buried my face in Bradley's chest.

Suddenly, the gun was fired.

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