Chapter 6

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"All right class," Mrs. Morris started, "today you will be starting your partner research assignments."

A low murmur went through the class but stopped when our teacher cleared her throat.

"Your assignment is to research...each other."

More murmurs.

"You are to find out all about your partner and write me an essay on their life. This is an out of school project, but you have an entire month to complete it."

My heart dropped into my stomach. This couldn't have possibly been a worse assignment.

I didn't want Bradley knowing everything about me! I couldn't have Bradley knowing everything about me.




Bradley turned to me with a smirk on his stupid face. "Wanna come to my house after school and get started?"


"We have to get to know each other or we will fail the assignment," Bradley said.

An idea formed in my head. "How about you write about yourself and I'll write about myself and then we'll trade to submit. No one has to know."

Bradley thought it over, tapping his chin dramatically. "No."

"What do you mean 'no'?"

"Do you need the dictionary definition?"

I scowled and turned away from Bradley. He was seriously irritating me. Just like when we were kids. Except worse.

"So, my house after school?"

"I said no," I gritted out.

"So, your house then."

"Definitely not." That would be suicide.

Bradley sighed, clearly getting annoyed with me. Good. Let him.

"We have to work on this assignment together," he said, "so either you come to my house after school, or I show up at yours."

"You wouldn't," I snarled.

"Oh, I would."

The grin on Bradley's face told me he was being completely serious and I paled.

"Fine. Your house."

The bell rang and I stormed out of class.

I gave Bradley the silent treatment for the rest of the day. It was childish, but I didn't care.

"You ready?" Bradley asked after our last class of the day.

"I guess," I mumbled.

I started walking to the sidewalk, but Bradley stopped me. "Where are you going?"

"To your house?"

"We're taking my bike," Bradley told me.

I laughed darkly. "No way am I riding that death trap."

Bradley sighed. "I guess I'll just wait for you at your house then."

He turned and started walking to his motorcycle.

"No! Wait!"

Bradley smirked as I jogged to catch up with him. He took out a spare helmet from under the seat and put it on my head with a pat. I glared at him and got on behind him.

I wrapped my arms around Bradley and he started the bike. My arms tightened automatically and I squeezed my eyes shut. Bradley chuckled.

The bike drove off of school grounds and I was finally able to peel my eyes open.

It wasn't as bad as I expected.

I didn't like it, that was for sure, but I wasn't dead yet.

What would've taken me a half hour on foot took five minutes on Bradley's motorcycle and before I knew it, we were at his house.

I felt nauseous as I rushed to his door. If my dad saw me, I was screwed.

Luckily, Bradley was quick in opening the door and invited me inside.

I'd never been inside the Brooks's house before. We'd been neighbors our whole lives before he moved away, but since we hated each other, I never came over.

"Are we the only ones here?" I asked as Bradley flipped on the lights, illuminating the previously dark house.

"Yeah," Bradley said with a smirk, "so we can do whatever you want."

I cringed at Bradley's insinuation, even though I knew he was only messing with me.

Bradley laughed and led me over to the couch. "But seriously, what do you want to do?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wanna watch a movie?"


I didn't see how that would help us get to know each other better, but that wasn't really my goal anyways.

Bradley scrolled through the tv and put on a movie before going to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

I thanked him when he got back and took a few pieces.

We sat in an awkward silence while the movie played, me glancing over at Bradley every few minutes. His arms were folded behind his head and his feet were propped up on the coffee table.

For the first time, I really took the time to notice him. His dark brown hair that had a nice swoosh. His bright green eyes. His tall, broad figure.

I could see why girls were hitting on him all the time. And why they thought it was so strange for him to be around me. With his looks, he could be with anyone.

I was nothing compared to him and for once, I agreed with the whispers.

Bradley looked over to me and I tore my eyes away from him with a blush.

I can't believe he just caught me staring. That's so embarrassing.

I sat completely still for the rest of the movie and when it was done, I gathered my things, uttered a quick thanks to Bradley and rushed out.

"Where the hell were you?" My dad growled the minute I stepped through our door.

I knew this was coming, but I still flinched at his harsh tone.


"School ended two and a half hours ago."

"I had a project to work on with a partner," I explained, hoping it would make him a little less angry.

My dad gripped my face hard enough to leave bruises and forced me to look him in the eye.

"Next time, you ask permission before you stay late."

I nodded and Dad let go of my face.


I took the opportunity and rushed up the stairs to my room, grateful he went easy on me. It didn't happen very often.

I sat on my bed and tucked my knees to my chest as rain began to fall from the sky.

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