We Should Talk

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It's the next morning and I wake up from my bed to go to the bathroom once I'm done with me morning routine I skip downstairs

A alerted hope springs up from the couch looking at me trying to think of something to say which is a first for the cocky teen

Hope: Already up

Josie: I'm surprised you are from your hangover

Hope walks over behind the brunette as she pours some milk into her cereal

Hope: we should talk about last night

Josie: there's no need because nothing happened

Hope hates it when the younger girl is acting like this when Josie always pretends like nothing happened like they haven't been feeling things around the other

Hope: we kissed josie there's no denying it

Josie: you were drunk and don't you remember I slapped you

Hope: thanks for the reminder on my left cheek

Josie looks at the bruised cheek finding her hand print maybe she shouldn't have hit her so hard but then again what hope did was totally wrong

Josie: you deserved it I mean how irresponsible can you be to kiss me your step sister its basically illegal

Hope: I know I tempt you saltzman you can never keep your eyes off me when I have someone around

The mikaelson girl had her in a corner with josie staring into her eyes knowing she's fucked

A knock interrupts them

The date that josie has walks in a blonde haired blue eyed girl with a smile towards the brunette holding up flowers

Looking at Josie walking to jade giving a kiss on her cheek accepting the flowers with that jade girl looking smug Hope wants to crush her flowers and that face of her's

Jade: jo are you ready

Josie: I'll be there in a minute

The blonde waits back in her car as Josie turns to face a irritated Hope

Josie: I'll be back later

Hope: whatever

Taking her purse josie slips out the house going off in jade's vehicle

Grabbing a pack of beer bottles hope opens them taking out some anger as she necks one in a go

Dialling her phone a reply shows making Hope smirk Before grabbing her keys

Having Brunch at a cafe josie is enjoying jade's company until she starts feeling bored when all she is taking about is race cars and herself talk about a large amount of ego

Jade: i literally got a race car not just any one it's .....

Josie: huh sorry what

Jade: anyways what do you want to order

Taking a look at the menu josie thinks of what to decide and picks a cheese salad sandwich with a strawberry frap

It takes ten minutes and while waiting josie's mins wanders to hope and what she's doing now god she hates to admit it but she kinda misses her being around its never boring when Hope's around something that seems to be missing in Jade

After the date josie tells Jade she'll go back home instead of going to hers after getting dropped off josie takes out the spare keys towards the front door

In the middle of the lounge hope is with some girl

Throwing her money around Hope pats her legs as the girl strips I ring her doing dirty dance moves before sitting on hope's lap reaching for her belt

Josie: That's enough get out

The stripper girl gets thrown out by a annoyed josie who then shuts the door walking to hope

Hope: we were getting to the good part anyway I thought you were with Jade your little dog that follows you around

Josie: it was fine but look let's not talk about it let's talk about how you brought a stripper to our parents home

Hope: aww jealous

Josie: no

Hope: your hot when your angry

The older teen walks up to the brunette like a predator that's about to eat it's prey only a look filled with desire

Josie: Hope...

Hope: maybe I should call that stripper girl back and fuck h...

And just like that josie smashes there lips together in a heated kiss before pulling away

Josie: upstairs now

Hope grins wide as she sees Josie throw down her coat showing her dress and a sneak of pink lacy lingerie as she rushes up the stairs

Hope: That's my girl

The eager looking mikaelson takes off her leather jacket before following the girl

Two hours later

In bed Josie looks softly at a sleeping Hope remembering the mind blowing sex they just had but then shame starts to seed in

What the fuck have they done

They're step sisters and they just had inappropriate sex together

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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