"We are. On the books." June chuckled, placing hers in front of her. Carmilla huffed, before taking out the green hardcover charms book once she found it under the pile in her bag.

"I thought we would get to do it on each other, or something."

June raised a thin eyebrow. She was wearing leaf shaped earrings today. "Can you imagine all the ways that could go wrong?"

A loud crash startled everyone.

The girls turned to see that someone's book had flown the wrong way and out of a nearby window, shattering the stained glass that used to depict a unicorn. Flitwick just repaired the glass with a flick of his own wand.

Ace smiled guiltily from her seat next to Angela, and Carmilla passed her the book with the dark winged horse on it she had taken from that little disappearing room. She went back to her own book and waved her wand at it. "Supernatet."

"The diagram on the board says to flick it, not wave it around."

"Oh, right," Carmilla said, glancing around to see everyone flicking their wands, except for that kid sleeping in the back. "Thanks."

It took her a few more tries, and then an extended interval in which Ace spoke in an American accent until everyone had to try the charm in different voices as well.

One of the girls that had gone for a swim, or something along those lines, managed to hover the book after yodelling the charm.

"Supernatet." Carmilla flicked her wand slightly and realised the grubby man with two moustaches who sold it to her was right. It was good at charms.

A little too good.

Her book floated and wobbled in the air for a minute, before dipping, doing a spin that nearly took someone eye out, and then shooting across the classroom. It hit a windchime and kept going.

Carmilla waved her wand at the book hopefully, but it continued barrelling towards Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick was knocked off his stack of books onto the ground, and her book hit the wall and then fell to the ground with a pathetic little thump.

The class hardly even looked up, probably used to the chaos, but Carmilla sped over to the teacher, who was sitting on the ground looking a bit dazed. She was eager not to get her second detention in the first week of class. "I'm so sorry, that was an accident."

"Accidents happen!" He chortled, standing back up on his tower of books.

The potions classroom sucked. It utterly sucked.

Gross steam wafted everywhere, moss grew on the stone wall, and the teacher wouldn't stop making terrible jokes. Other than that, the class itself was fine. The Ravenclaws were with the Hufflepuffs, so Angela and Carmilla were seated at the tables of four with Ophelia and one of her friends.

Vials of colourful bubbling potions lined the shelves behind Professor Slughorn's desk and cauldron, and every time he bumped into something, they would shake in their holders.

She had her potions book open and was drawing a picture of a slug with spiked horns in the margin of a page with an illustration of a frothy pink potion in a heart shaped vial. It looked far more interesting than the brewing of Sternutatio, a potion that made you sneeze.

While Ophelia and her friend went to get the ingredients for the sneezing potion, which was supposed to turn clear and popping, Angela turned to her conspiringly, her brown hair falling over her shoulder. It was very hot in the steamy dungeon. She had her sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

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