Death to the King!

Start from the beginning

With narrowed eyes, Andy tried to make out anything beneath her. She was sliding down the side of the tunnel, her cape wafting behind her. Her sharp eyes made out a slight difference in the light and she knew, she was heading for the end of the slide. With a graceful flip she sailed through the air, landing on her feet. She listened for Goblins that might have noticed her arrival. After nothing happened for a few seconds, she got up. Following the only path away from the cage she landed in, she snuck around, looking for her dwarves. A few times she had to hide in the shadows, as goblin patrols crossed her way. She knew she was getting closer, as she could hear the goblin king sing.

Hammer and torch, get out your knockers and gongs

You won't last long on the end of my prong

Clish, clash, crush and smash

Bang, break, shiver and shake

You can yell and yelp

But there aint no help

Pound, pound, far underground

Down, down, down in goblin town

"That's not a song, it's an abomination!", Andy heard Balin call out loudly. She walked faster through the shady tunnels.

"Well, don't just stand there. Search them! Every crack, every crevice", the goblin king's voice echoed through the caves. Andy ran towards the voices. A little yelp left her mouth, as her feet stepped into air, the path she was running on coming to a sudden end. Thankfully, she could grab onto the railing and pull herself back up, before falling down into the deep. Crawling back into the shadows, she looked over onto the platform with the king's throne on it. The goblins were stripping the dwarves from everything they had. Even Oins trumpet! Now he was not able to hear anything anymore. «What are you doing in these parts? Speak! »

Andy's eyes shifted to the biggest Goblin in the room. He was hideous to look at. Anger and fear started to build up in her chest. She had hoped to avoid him. Seemed like that was no option. She knew, she had to do something and help the dwarves, before the Goblin did any harm to them. She didn't want them to go through the same as she had to. Before thinking her plan through, she jumped, landing on the bridge leading to the throne. As she landed, she was back in her Hobbit-Form. Quietly she snuck up behind the dwarves and Goblins, walking with the stealth of a Hobbit. The dwarves were trying to buy some time, being the perfect distraction, she needed to get closer unnoticed. But it didn't take long for the goblin king to lose his nerves.

"Well then, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk!", he cried out. "Bring out the mangler! Bring out the bonebreaker! Start with the youngest. " He pointed at Ori.

Andy's eyes widened.

"No!", she cried out in anger and fear. Swiftly she pushed her way through the dwarves and abominations, straight for the two Goblins grabbing Ori. She cut off their limbs and pushed them into the depth before anyone realised what happened. Screeching in suprise the other goblins quickly backed off.

"Hands off the dwarves!", Andy growled threatfully, her voice dripping with suppressed fury.

"Andy?", Kili asked and caught a glance of her over Dwalins shoulder. "Andy! Hey! Guys, it's Andy." Then he seemed to remember where they were. "Andy, no! What are you doing here? How did you get here? Where's the Angel?", he went over to panicking. 

The goblin king laughed out roaring.

"What will you do about it, little Hobbit. Throw food at them? Kill her!", he ordered. Immediately the goblins threw themselves at her, dying almost immediately by her daggers. As if she was dancing, she swirled around, slashing and cutting everything that came close to her. While the goblins blood splashed all over the place, Andy hardly got a scratch. The goblins quickly learned to fear her daggers and backed away quickly. Andy straightened up, spitting out some goblin blood that got into her mouth.

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