list of information

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Regional powers:

speed,flight,invisibility, invulnerability, intangible,shape shift,fabric,power manipulation  control,plastic,metal,rocks,earth, cotton, lace, fur, animal communication, Pyrokinesis, telekinesis, hyper intelligence, unlimited strength,power booster,unlimited speed,reanimation,human control,teleportation,desentigration, mind control,immortality, lazer vision,heat vision,faze,super jump,time travel,face morph,super sight,super hearing,freeze,sand,glass,fire,water,lightning,ice,nature,car manipulation,attire manipulation, two minds,acid fluid,time manipulation,the creators key,supervision,supersenses,acid spit

Hero costume: bullet proof black robe with a hood

Moral enemy: turritopsis

God of : god of humans/life

Zedra pruce  Dead mother: goddess of light

Gong pruce Dead father: god of love

Allias:  ghosted (generally humble optic superheros trying to end death)

Live where about: no where particular

Net worth: 67,000,000,000

Weapon: the gink over layer: transform into any weapon

Ethnicity: mixed

Skin color: yellow golden glow

Eye color: multi color

Hair color: multi color

Speaks 7 languages: Spanish, English, hieroglyphs, Hungarian, German,French and, Latin

Learning time: 5 seconds or less

Back story:


Gong: can you say Dada?

Me: d- d- dahhhhhhhh

Gong: what's going on what's happening

Doctor: um I don't know this baby seems unique, I'll take him to the back

Doctors: I thought we added enough blockage to stop his powers

Doctors: guess not

Doctor: so...

Doctor: ADD MORE

Doctor: OK ok 

Little regional was injected with the poison instead of it doing bad his white part absorbed it all but wait how come he's mixed? Both his parents are black, let me explain first gong and zedra had sex then another white man raped her both their seeds mixing supposed to make twins they combined as if they were always meant to be together one girl and one regional he got his powers from his parents the white man added the god of humans they wondered what the problem was and why they couldn't poison regional they saw a eye bulging out of his forehead they burned from the inside looking at the holy cleansed godly eye regional and his parents left in a rush causing the doctors to panic once they saw the dead doctor and relise they didn't produce a birth certificate they called the government to let them know because the doctors have leads  once regional got home he immediately started walking they smiled proudly till they heard a knock on the door they open it and see hulk the god killer  with two suited men behind him he bust in ripping them apart piece by piece he walks up to regional to attack instead he broke his hand over his head that's when regional starts spitting and crying tantruming
With his acid spit he burns everyone in the vicinity and till this day he's alone hulk has a few holes inside him he eventually ended up raising regional for a few years he gave up and left



Immortal, teleport, reality warp, speed, strength, existence patration,goddessbody,bodyswap,mind control,telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, hypertension, earth control,mother nature partial control, form shift

regonal: The CreatorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin