The Quirk

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By the time Izuku returned to consciousness, Toga had helped his mother put him on the couch and explained what had happened, as well as explaining her feelings for Izuku that led her to wish to be owned by him.

Inko had been pretty accepting, realizing the girl probably just didn't understand or want a standard romantic relationship with her son. She did make some rules for both the new resident and her son, such as Toga having to wear at least pajamas around the house and that if they were going to do anything sexual, they should at least be safe and use protection. She also said that Toga couldn't take more blood than Izuku could produce, bumming the girl out, but she at least understood why.

Toga demanded that she be allowed to sleep in Izuku's bed with him, and that he'd feed her blood as a reward when she was a 'good girl' as she put it. She had also refused to call Izuku anything except for master.

When Izuku woke up and his new 'pet' and mother explained all of these things to him he almost fainted again, but fought through it and listened to all they had to say.

When they had finished, Toga turned to Inko and gave her the best puppy dog eyes she could manage.

"Can you go get me a collar and a leash? I want to be marked by Master and I want him to be able to take me for walks." Toga begged Inko, sitting down at Izuku's feet and leaning back on his legs.

"I'd rather he not take you for walks in public, but I will get you a collar and leash and he can walk you around the apartment. What do you want the collar to say?" Inko asked.

"Master's little bloodslut." Izuku muttered, causing both Inko and Toga to turn and look at him, Inko looking shocked and Toga smiling brightly.

"D-did I say that out loud?" Izuku stuttered, his face bright red.

"Yeah you did! That sounds like a great thing to be on my collar! Do you want me to be your little pet bloodslut, Master? Do you want me to be desperately begging for Master's blood? Do you want me to beg right now?" Toga asked, sitting down on his lap facing him.

"I'm not going to the pet store and having them engrave that on a collar, honey. Maybe just your name, Himiko?" Inko suggested, not wanting to actually say that to the poor people at the pet store.

"Fine, I'll just have to call myself Master's pet bloodslut a lot to make up for it." Toga pouted before snuggling her face into Izuku's chest.

"I think I'm gonna nap with Master while you go to the store. Unless, does Master want to play with me?" Toga asked, licking her lips.

"P-play?" Izuku stuttered, his mind going to lewd places and his 'little Izuku' started to harden in response to his pet's teasing.

"Yeah, doesn't playtime with your little bloodslut sound fun?" Toga said, wiggling on his lap and causing more blood to flow south of his head.

"Take it to the bedroom at least, I'm going to go get your collar and leash, Himiko. Is there anything else I can get you? Any foods you like?" Inko asked. As desperate as she was to get out and let her son have private time with his new 'pet', she didn't want to waste the trip.

"No, I can get all the nutrients I need from Master's blood, but you should get orange juice for Master so he regenerates blood faster." Toga said, her face buried in Izuku's neck as she inhaled his scent deeply.

Inko rushed out the door, slightly out of the fear that if she didn't they'd start doing things in front of her, and began to make her way to the mall, only to be stopped by a man in a trench coat in an alley who flashed a knife at her and told her to keep quiet.


Himiko continued to tease and grind against Izuku, and the boy was looking for an excuse to get out and gather his thoughts.

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