Foxy lifted his head and groaned, whacking his phone to shut the alarm off.

He slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom, fixing his hair and making sure he didn't look like he just woke up, especially since he did just wake up.

Usually Foxy didn't sleep during the day. But these past few weeks, even before he met Lolbit, he'd been unusually tired to the point where he could fall asleep at almost any moment.

But of course Foxy had plans. It would be nice, and help take his mind off of things. Plus, he'd get to know Baby a little bit better.

He smiled, turning away from the mirror and walking back downstairs. Today would be better.

Putting his phone in his bag, Foxy started towards the door and began walking to the coffee shop.

It wasn't too far from his house, just a minute or two from school. Foxy spaced out, not paying attention to his surroundings.

A lot had happened these last few days, he'd met a huge group of friends who welcomed him as if they had known him for years, and then one of them randomly went missing the same day.


He'd known Lolbit for years, really. At least, known about her. And at least half of those years Foxy had had a massive crush on her, even though they'd never really talked until a few days ago, he'd loved her from afar. Thinking about her almost every day and trying over and over again to get her to talk to him.

In 6th grade they were in the same history class. Every day Foxy would try to get her attention, even by bothering his teacher into getting them to sit next to each other.

Finally getting a chance to know her, and even being friends with her, was like something he'd been dreaming of had come true out of nowhere.

Of course my luck couldn't last.

Stepping off of the sidewalk and starting to cross the road, Foxy jumped back. A car sped past, continuing and not slowing down.

Foxy gave a sigh of relief, coming back to reality. I have to be more careful. He took a step forward, looked left and right, then crossed the street.

Just a few minutes passed before he made it to the entrance of the building. He glanced up at the sign and walked inside.

He sat down at a table near the window after seeing that Baby wasn't there yet, and waited.. waited.. and waited.

Foxy sat with his head resting on his arms, about ten minutes and multiple text messages later, Baby hadn't arrived.

Just before Foxy was about to give up and leave, the door swung open. There stood Baby, her hair was a mess and she looked like she ran here without stopping once.

He waved her over and she sat down across from him, sighing and setting her bag on her lap.

"Sorry about that. I got distracted and didn't have enough time to really get ready." Baby laughed, looking down and playing with the strap of her bag.

Smiling, Foxy responded "It's fine, really."

Foxy stared out of the window, both Baby and him were silent. He saw what he thought was a silhouette of a person half hiding and looking at him, but when he glanced at Baby and looked back out the window, it was gone.

He shrugged it off, looking back at Baby and tapping his fingers on the table.

"So..." He started, "I hate to bring this up, but how've you been since...?"

Baby looked up at him and smiled, "I'm fine."

Her smiled faded as she looked back down at her bag, "Well, It's been hard. Looking through old pictures 'n stuff." She turned to the window, continuing, "I hope she's okay, wherever she is." Baby gulped, " you think she's...?"

Baby hugged her bag, looking down at the table. Although she didn't say it, Foxy knew what she was asking.

He shook his head, putting his hand on her shoulder. "They'll find her, and she'll be fine." he smiled, "trust me."

Baby smiled back and laughed awkwardly, "Alright. Thanks, Foxy."

They sat in silence again before Baby got a notification.

"Oh," She started, "I'm so sorry. I have to go, my girlfriend needs me for something. We should hang out again, maybe actually get coffee next time."

Foxy tilted his head, thinking, then smiled and waved goodbye. He watched Baby run out the door, and then looked back at his table.

They hadn't talked about much. Just the one thing he'd been thinking about these last few days, the thing he wanted to get off of his mind.

Before he could start to leave, someone else walked in hesitantly. It was Puppet. Foxy tried to hide behind a menu so he wouldn't see him, but Puppet walked straight to his table and sat down.

"Hey, Foxy." Puppet smiled awkwardly.

Foxy stared at his menu as if ignoring him would make him disappear. Of course, it wouldn't.

Puppet cleared his throat, "Im sorry about earlier." he paused for a second, "I shouldn't have acted like that, and the last thing i want to do is make you upset."

They sat in silence, the only sound coming from the other customers and employees in the shop.

Puppet got an idea and smiled for a moment. He sighed, fidgeting with a bracelet on his wrist. "Me and Lolbit were close, y'know."

Foxy's eyes widened, but he kept staring down at his menu without responding.

Puppet rubbed his eyes, as if trying to stop tears from flowing, "I guess I was just being selfish. I miss her so much.. I guess I was ignoring that you might be feeling the same way."

His voice sounded shaky, and Foxy glanced up at him. He set down the menu and stood up, pulling Puppet into a hug.

"I had no idea. I'm sorry, I shouldn't've assumed..."

Puppet hugged him back, "So, we're friends again...?"

Foxy nodded his head, "Always have been. How about we get some food and go to my house and start that project we have to do?" he laughed, backing away and grabbing his phone from his bag.

Foxy started walking to the cashier, only turning to continue talking, "I'll go get myself coffee and some donuts for us to share. want anything else?"

Puppet shook his head. Foxy gave a thumbs up and turned back to the cashier.

Puppet turned back to the table, smiling to himself.

"only you"
"sorry, lolbit."

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