Immediate chaos.

Foxy saw Roast beef hiding under the couch while ballora was struggling to look for him, A girl with red hair making what looked like her 8th cup of coffee, and a guy Foxy didn't recognize was attempting to force feed Bonbon chicken.

"uhhh.." Foxy stood in the doorway, glancing at Puppet.

"you'll be fiiiine" Puppet gave him a thumbs up and smiled, running off to help Bonbon.

Foxy sighed, walking further into the house and towards Springtrap. "heeey." Foxy waved at him as he turned around, Springtrap was holding a glass of apple juice.

"Oh 'ello Foxy!" Springtrap waved back, taking a drink of apple juice. "Nice seeing you here!"

Foxy nodded, looking around the room. "Hey... do you by chance know if Lolbit's here?"

Springtrap shrugged. "She should be here; I didn't think she would be busy today." Springtrap grabbed more apple juice from out of nowhere, "Hey, would you want some more of my apple juice? I'll probably have to leave early, don't want the... apples... to get any ideas." Springtrap smiled, offering him a bottle.

"Wh..?" Foxy frowned, thinking about it for a moment, "Yknow what.. I'm not thirsty. Thanks anyway?"

Springtrap sighed, "Oh well, your loss!"

Foxy turned to walk away when he saw Lolbit walking down the stairs. He smiled, walking over to her.

"Hey Lolbit! How are you?"

Lolbit smiled back, looking around, "I'm fine." She sighed, looking back at him. "Here, let's go see everyone else!"

"Uh alright-" Foxy followed behind as Lolbit grabbed his arm and dragged him towards Puppet and Bonbon.

"Hey Foxy! and Lolbit" Puppet said as he saw them coming towards him. "This is Freddy! He's who I was telling you about, Foxy."

"Hi." Freddy said, looking at Foxy intensely. "Welcome." Freddy's hair was sort of like Foxy's, only more purple-ish. His eyes were bright blue, and he looked slightly annoyed.

"I was thinking we could all play a game! Something so you can get to know us better?" Puppet suggested, as everyone else shrugged.

"Really? A game? Do we haaaave to?" Lolbit sighed.

"I think that'd be fun!" Foxy smiled at Puppet, "What game where you thinking?"

"Well, I don't-" Puppet started, looking to the side.

"Oh! We should all play spin the bottle!" The girl with a cup of coffee responded, "Oh, I'm Circus Baby, or if you want you can just call me Baby. or CB. Nice to meet you!"

Foxy nodded, "Hey CB, nice to meet you too."

"Baby? Do you really think spin the bottle is a good game to get to know someone?" Puppet whispered as he crossed his arms and shook his head.

Baby laughed, "Well, we can change up the rules. How about, when you spin the bottle, you have to ask whoever it lands on 'truth or dare?' Sorta like mixing the two games."

Puppet looked down, "...alright."

They all sat in a circle, Bonbon placing an empty bottle in the center. Ballora clung onto Roastbeef, while Lolbit and Puppet sat beside Foxy.

"So, who's going first?" Bonbon asked.

"How about Foxy goes first?" Baby suggested, "Since he's new here."

"Okay, I'll go." Foxy shrugged, reaching for the bottle and spinning it.

The bottle spun, slowing down slowly. It stopped on Springtrap, who looked ready to answer Foxy's question.

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