💝: Was that you marking something down for me? 😕

🤔: Don't worry, it's just normal protocol for us therapists to do with our friends

💝: 😕👍

💥: And Mon-El, don't think we've forgotten about you 🗂

🍻: 😐🤐

💡: Hahaha! That is a good one, Alex Danvers 😂

💥: 👍

🤔: We really do make a great team 🥰

💥: Agreed ❤

💡: Speaking of love, where is my precious Nia Nal! 😩

💝: Don't worry, Brainy, I'm sure she's on her way

💡: I really hope so because I need to see my love's beautiful words written on my phone's screen 🤗

Nia Nal 😴 has joined the group chat.

💥: Well, that was convenient timing.

🍻: Lol

💡: Yes! Time is truly on my side, tonight! 🙏

😴: Sorry, I'm late! I kinda fell asleep at my desk working on Andrea's next news section 🤭

💝: Been there, done that 😏

💥: Lol

😴: Hi, Brainy 😊

💡: Hello, my beloved 💞

💝: They are literally the cutest couple ever!

💥: No agrument here

🤔: What question did you have to ask us all, Brainy?

💡: Oh, I wanted to ask you all if you would like to participate in a friendly competition the internet calls, " the war of the ships," though I'm still not entirely sure what ships they are talking about... 🤔

🍻: 🤣

😴: I thi k they're talking about which couple people ship more together

💡: Ah, that makes perfect sense! Thank you Nia Nal 😍

😴: Anytime, Brainy ❤

😴: And that's a great game idea! 😄

💡: Thank you, Nia Nal 🤗

💥: Is this going to be between just us or are we going to include J'ohn and the rest?

💡: I actually had a few other names in mind 💁‍♂️

🍻: You're not talking about Emra, right?

💝: 🤨

🍻: It's s just that she isn't exactly happy with me after the whole wanting to date you while dating her thing

💝: Oh, because all the girls just love that

🍻: Funnily enough, those were actually her exact words 🤔

💝: I wonder why... 😒

💥: 😆

😴: So, I'm dying to know, who are the surprise guests? 🎉

💡: You will discover in only a few moments, my sweet, Nia 😍

😴: Ok, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait 😊

The host has added Oliver 🏹, Barry ⚡, Sara ⚔, Felicity 📱, Iris 🖊, and Ava 📢 to the group chat.

🏹: Oh great, another one of these stupid things 😒

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