God Route: Confusing stuff

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>>Ciel it's about to happen right?<<

<<Yes, Time for the second Cataclysm to be born>>

Yet another random day in the underworld

Everything is going normally like they usually are in the underworld

But the "calm" underworld suddenly get shaken as a huge cloud of Magicules started imploding at high speed

From that implosion an orb the size of a dwarf appeared

The demons and insectar that are nearby get closer to inspect the newly formed object

But as they're getting closer the orb glowed and blasted a wall of light that destroyed the demons and insectar that got too close

Those that are standing far away enough to not get hit by it gets terrified and slowly backing away before running away as fast as they can

After there's no one there Rimuru appeared and approached it calmly and not minding about the orb that are glowing like before

And just like before the orb blasted a wall of light towards him, knowing what would happen next he didn't change his expression

The light just passed through him but could be visibly burning him both in the inside and the outside

Rimuru smiled and muttered to himself “I know what would happen but it's still impressive that it could do this much damage”

After getting close enough he grabbed it and teleported to where Ekmi is

She flinched a bit from his sudden appearance “Eh?! RIMURU-SAMA!!!” but then rushed at him happily

“Did you miss me?” she answered by nodding excitedly “i have something special for you, do you want it?”

“YES! I want it!” Her eyes glowed like a puppy

He showed the comically large orb to her “Then meet your new friend here”

She gets closer and asked “new friend?”

“Yes, what would you name it?”

“Ekmiru!” she nonchalantly answered

He just smiled at her as the orb glowed. After the light dies down he let the orb move towards Ekmi to which she put out her hand and let the orb stay on it

“Take good care of Ekmiru okay” He says as he began disappearing

“of course!” she shouted

Back to Rimuru

That orb is beautiful if I do say so myself

<<I agree>>

Well now that there's Ekmiru to take care of Ekmi I don't have to keep an eye for her now

<<I was the one keeping an eye on her>>

>>Well now you don't have to<<

<<... Fine you win this time>>

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