Chapter XV - The Detective and the Doctor

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I wanted to surprise John. Ever since I stepped foot on the that wretched building I knew that I wanted to create a reunion that we'd both remember. Standing in front of the door that would reveal John Watson, I still wanted to make our reunion one that would make John forgive me for ever leaving. But at this point I was so desperate to see him that just being in view of him would be enough. I stopped another thought from entering my mind and I knocked on John's bedroom door.

"It's open, Billy." Just hearing John's voice again was like hearing an old favourite song. His tone was light, his British accent seeping through his words. I opened the door slowly, as if I were afraid. Why would I be scared? It was John.

I suppose that's why.

He was scrawling something on a piece of paper when I saw him, his back facing me. His light blonde hair was tousled as if in frustration. He was wearing a red knitted sweater with a white collar underneath. His legs curled between each other as he chewed on his pen. Whatever he was writing it was getting on his nerves.

I wanted to run to him, to close off the space that's been between us for years. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was. For everything. I wanted to tell him how much I missed him. So much that it made me question my humanity. I wanted to tell him how brilliant he was. And that my feelings are genuine, not some manipulation tactic. I simply wanted to tell him all the things I've meant to say and never have.

But despite all this, I found myself standing still, my brain not being able to compute. "Billy, what's wrong? Why aren't you-" As John spun around on his chair, he stopped mid sentence as our eyes met. I expected his reaction to be much like the others, as if I were a ghost or something horrific that would make anyone stop in their tracks just to tremble at the sight of me.

But it was different. He was just as shocked as I was (even though I brought myself to him), but it was a different shock. He looked as though he was awe inspired. It was that expression he has every time I deduce someone or solve a case. It was the expression of marvel.

I was so shocked and glad to see him that my body betrayed me. "John." I let his name fill the air as I finally regained my speech.

"Sherlock... You're back," John broke the silence and stood up. He slowly walked towards me, and I felt my heart beat once again. Stop acting so foolish. Deduce something. That's what I do when my brain wanders. But every time I looked at John I felt like a computer when it freezes up. I had too many windows open. I needed to close some. Bloody sentiment. After a bit of convincing myself, I deduced John. Once I finished I noticed how close we were. If I wanted I could reach out and take his hand, just to make sure that this was all real. I wanted to. But's that not how Sherlock Holmes works.

Stop it. John will think of me differently if I let my emotions get the better of me. "Yes.. Dying was boring."

John chuckled softly as his eyes drifted to the floor. "I never believed that you were gone. Not for one second," he said as his eyes locked with mine once again. Have his eyes ever been that blue?

I'll admit, hearing John say that brought a smile to my face. "You were the only one who believed in me."

He gave a small smile. "And rightly so. You did solve the case, after all."

"Yes, the case!" I felt excited at just the mention of the case. "It was so amazingly intricate." I suppose I was allowed to let my emotions show just once.

John grinned as he watched me compliment him. I swear I saw a blush creep up his neck. "I knew you would like it. Though, most of the credit goes to Billy."

"Though the case was thrilling," I paused as I watched a hint of doubt spread across John's face. "I want to solve the rest of our cases with my blogger."

"I dunno.. was kind of enjoying it here with Billy."

I arched an eyebrow, a smile threatening my lips. John chuckled and shook his head, placing a hand through his sandy hair. He then had to spoil a perfectly good moment by inquiring about the fall. I went into detail about how I survived, stressing that it needed to be a secret, the truth only known by a few selected others.

"Marvelous," John breathed, his lips forming the smile. I say 'the smile' because it seems as though John reserves a certain smile for when I reveal how I solve things.

When all could be heard was silence, I took a shaky breath. "I missed you."

It was only then did I notice that it was dark outside as John's blinds didn't do a very good job at letting in light. I would have admired the moon, but that would of meant that I needed to tear my gaze from John's expression. For the first time, I couldn't deduce him. "I missed you too," he whispered. He took a step forward, and was about to wrap his small frame around me when he jerked back and instead, extended his hand. I eyed his hand, confused by the sudden change in manner, but nonetheless, took my glove off and shook his hand. I surprised us both when I pulled John in for a hug. I felt him relax in my hold, and for a time we just stayed like that in the darkness.


Author's Note:

I cannot begin to explain how excited I was while I wrote this chapter. For me (and hopefully for you) the scene where Sherlock and John meet for the first time in this book, was greatly anticipated. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it. Comments on your thoughts would be much appreciated.



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