"I think he needs you to save him." You whispered to Jean, pointing to Connie writhing under Eren who had him pinned on his stomach and was about to give him a wedgie. "It's like they've regressed to teenage boys somehow.." You added, a puzzled look on your face.

Jean laughed in agreement and got up, walking over to the boys on the couch and began pulling them apart. Once they calmed down and Connie caught his breath, Eren made his way over to you in the kitchen. You felt his strong arms wrap around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder while you poured your tea into a new mug.

"Good morning." He said, his voice still raspy with sleepiness.

"Are you done preying on the weak and vulnerable?" You teased, side eye Connie who was glaring at you. "Oi!" He shouted. "Watch it."

You all laughed when Eren's phone started ringing again, him looking over at it.

"Oh, shit. I was looking for that. Why is it down here?" He asked, picking it up off the charger and glaring at the name on the screen before silencing it. You didn't even need to ask who was calling him. You knew.

"Oh, uh. It was ringing nonstop this morning so I answered it so it wouldn't wake you.. Have you heard of Paradis Gym?" You sheepishly responded to his question, excitement building in your heart to tell him the good news.

"Shit, yeah. That's the gym that all the big dogs train at. Why?" He returned the question, cocking an eyebrow at you.

"Well, thee Erwin Smith called you directly! Well, I answered.. But he was looking for you because he said he wants you at his gym. Which is Paradis.."

Eren's eyes widened, his head lurching towards you in shock before a huge smile spread across his face and he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder.

You giggled as he spun you around before putting you down, never having seen so much excitement on his face.

"You're fucking joking." He said, his tone bewildered.

"Nope."  You shook your head. "He wants you to call him ASAP! Oh, and he wants to give you fifteen grand, too." You added, biting your lip to try and hide your huge grin.

Eren's mouth dropped open as Jean and Connie high-fived each other, congratulating their friend. He quickly grabbed his phone, pulling your chin up to his face as he pressed a hard kiss on your lips before running back upstairs to call Mr. Smith back. Once he was done and came back to the kitchen, you made all of the boys omelets and bacon, making one for yourself at the end too.

"So? What'd he say?" Connie asked with his mouth full.

"They want me to stop by today to sign some contracts and take my measurements." Eren explained, unable to suppress the smile on the corners of his lips.

"That's awesome, babe." You gleamed, squeezing his hand before taking another sip of your tea.

The four of you continued to have breakfast and laugh, sharing stories and explaining exactly how the fight played out to Connie. He already had reels and tiktok edits people were making of Porco Galliard being knocked out by Eren, dramatic music in the background of each one. You checked Eren's instagram and your eyes widened at the fact his followers tripled overnight. He had twenty thousand now, only having five thousand before yesterday.

Once the boys finished eating you quickly cleaned up the table, leaving the dishes in the sink for later. You had to be at work in an hour and didn't want to be late. Hange has been so kind on accepting all of your requests off leading up to the big fight that you didn't want to take advantage of her.

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