Chapter 9

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I try to sleep on the floor when I return, I really do. But after so many nights spent on the cold, wooden floor of my cell, Seonghwa's bed is too inviting. Even with him in it. Besides, he's asleep. He stayed out of it the entire time I searched the deck. He won't wake if I just sidle up there on the end. I barely fit in the space. I can feel the heat pouring into me from Seonghwa's back. He's awfully warm. I don't think he needs that blanket. So I snatch it and return the key to his breeches before drifting off.

My first thought when I wake is that I'm so warm. I'm wrapped in it, like I've been trapped inside a large, heated cocoon. It feels so good, I lie there with my eyes closed. I don't care where I am or what I'm doing. This is too pleasant to ruin by doing something as rigorous as moving. I feel lips on my forehead. Now someone's nuzzling my neck. "You stole my blanket, Aurora," a voice whispers in my ear. I should know that voice, but I'm still addled by sleep. "That's all right. I don't mind sharing. You kept me plenty warm last night." "Mmm" is all I say in response. "This is fun, but we have to get up. You've got work to do today." "Stop talking." He laughs softly. A hand brushes my hair back from my face. "I love this hair. Fiery red. Just like your spirit." My eyes snap open at last. Seonghwa's rolled halfway onto me, his head propped up in his left hand. His right one is still playing with my hair. I roll off the bed and land hard on the floor. "Ow." I'm standing a moment later. "What are you doing?" "Well, I was sleeping in my bed. Don't know what you were doing. However did you manage to climb into the bed without waking me?" "Must've walked in my sleep." "I'm sure." I rub at my eyes and straighten my clothes. 

"No need for that," he says. "I'm sure no one will get the wrong impression when you walk out of here." "Indeed," I say, clenching my teeth. But as I look around the room, my mood brightens. "Should we show them what I've done with the place?" Seonghwa sits up, winces. "About that. I've decided we've been wasting your potential, what with the way we've been keeping you locked up in that cell all the time. You've got too much energy for escaping and wreaking havoc in my room. I think it's time we put your skills to use." "What does that mean?" "You'll see. I'll be back in a moment." He dons a shirt and boots before leaving. A cold burst of air enters the room as the door opens. That's enough to wake me all the way. I do some stretches, pull my boots back on, and try not to be discouraged by the fact that the map still hasn't turned up. I've yet to check the aftercastle and the crow's nest. Then there are still plenty of places belowdecks that need searching. I don't think Hongjoong would hide it where his crew could stumble onto it—but as I remember the hidden panels in the smuggling ship, I have to acknowledge that there could be plenty of good hiding places belowdecks. 

Seonghwa interrupts my thoughts by coming back into the room only a few moments later. He doesn't return empty-handed. He has a set of manacles in his hand. "You're going to clap me in irons, is that it?" I ask. "What for?" "Numerous escape attempts, causing bodily injury to the first mate as well as several members of the crew, the death of a pirate—and for your own humiliation." "That reminds me, I wonder how interested Hongjoong would be to hear that you let me kill a member of his crew." "Lass, do you honestly think he'd believe you over me?" "That depends on how much of a coward Hongjoong already suspects you really are." Seonghwa's face hardens. "That's enough of that." He clamps on the manacles. I can tell he enjoys it far too much. He's right: The humiliation of it all will be awful. I do not want to go out there and face the rest of the crew. I turn toward him fully. "When I get out of this, I'm going to grab my crew and hunt you all down. I will not stop until every pirate on this ship is dead." "We're all trembling with fear." "You should be. I've some of the best trackers in the world aboard my vessel." My heart warms with pride to think of Zimah. "Are they fiery redheads as well?" "No." "Shame. Now, let's go. You don't want to be late." "Late for what?" Seonghwa leads me outside. 

Naula is now far in the distance, a mere speck on the horizon. I wonder what our next destination could be. The men are everywhere, scrubbing and mopping at the deck. Moving cargo around. Seeing to the sails. Hongjoong stands near the helm, overseeing the navigation. He has his hands at his belt, feet spread apart, ever-present sneer on his face. He looks down. "Ah, princess, how are you enjoying your stay?" I'm tempted to spit on the deck, but I don't spit. That's disgusting. "Just fine,Captain. But I'm more excited about what will come after my stay." "Yes, I'm sure we'll hear plenty more death threats from you today. For now, get to your duties." "Duties?" I ask, looking between him and Seonghwa."You'll be assisting the crew with swabbing the deck," Seonghwa explains. "Ha. I think not." "You've proven you can't be left alone. For various reasons." I can tell his mind drifts to his ransacked room. "And I'll not have you being a nuisance, following me about. You'll make yourself useful." "And just how do you intend to make me?" "Liomen?" "Aye, Master Seonghwa?" a voice calls from a ways off. "Bring me a rope and hook." "Yes, sir," the voice answers with merriment. 

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