Chapter 7

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His arms are crossed, one leg hooked over the other. I suppose I should run now to make it look like I'm trying to escape, but why bother? "How much of that did you see?" I ask instead. "All of it." I'm not sure what I should feel after hearing that. Anger that he'd let Sheck try to take me. Confusion that he let me kill him without helping his crewman. Worry that he saw the acting routine I tried on Jongho. Does he know I'm trying to get caught? There's no way to tell. His face reveals nothing in the lit street. I need to do something. I can't just stand here and let him take me. It's inconsistent with the character I've been playing for him. So I reach over and pick up Jongho's cutlass again. 

"You want to fight?" he asks. "I am not going back on that ship," I say. "I'm sorry, Aurora, but you have to." He pulls his own sword from its sheath. All right. I'll go easy on him. Let him disarm me quickly and get this night over with. "You really want to do this?" he asks. "I was in the middle of something back there when I heard a struggle going on outside. You've put me in quite the mood. I wouldn't test me." I snort. "I saw your lady friend. It looked like you were already in a mood." "One night on land after months at sea, and you have to go and ruin it." "And what about me? I was carrying out a very important mission for my father when you caught me. You've ruined my entire week. I should take an ear for that." "You wouldn't take my ear. It would make it difficult for me to hear your whining. And I know how much you love that." Never mind. I shall not make this quick. I want to hurt him a bit first. 

I lurch forward, slashing at his stomach. Seonghwa deflects the blow and reaches for my legs with his sword. But I leap backward. "Why didn't you stop me?" I ask, sending a volley of strikes at him. "Stop you from what?" He quickly defends himself against each strike, but I keep them coming as we talk. "You saw me fighting him. You know your captain doesn't want me mistreated in any way, yet you let him try to take me. You just stood there. And—oh." He gets his bearings and puts himself on the offensive. I like learning how he moves. It will let me know how to beat him. Later, of course. Tonight I have to let him win. "You wanted me to kill him," I say. "Of course. You hate what he does. What with you being so honorable and all. But you can't kill him yourself because for some reason you're loyal to your brother, and you can't be seen killing a member of his crew. I'll never understand this loyalty; you seem to hate everything Hongjoong does." I cut him on his arm. 

Seonghwa is going a bit easy because he doesn't actually want to hurt me. It definitely gives me the advantage. Of course, I don't want to kill him, either—hurt him, though, yes. Part of what I told him the other day is true. I don't want Seonghwa dead, because he is my preferred choice for an interrogator. Hongjoong would assign someone even worse to watch me if Seonghwa weren't an option. "That's why you were angry on the day you captured me," I say as a realization hits me. "I brought out the worst in your brother by challenging him, by killing members of his crew. You had to step in and remind him of his humanity. But he always seems to have a hard time finding it, doesn't he? He's more like your father in that way." I gasp as pain burns against my leg. He actually slashed me with his sword. I must have touched on something too personal. "You ruined my breeches!" "Lass, shut up," Seonghwa says."But why do you do it?" I say, forgetting my clothes. "You're clearly miserable among the crew. You probably don't even enjoy pirating! Why do you stay?"

I get in another cut, this time at his side. I make sure it's shallow. A victorious smile tugs at my lips, but then Seonghwa does the unthinkable. Instead of flinching away from my sword, he leans into it, grabs my wrist with his free hand, and raises his sword to my neck. Before I can blink, the hand at my wrist grabs my sword, and he's pointing both blades at me. I stare at him, stunned. He let me cut him so he could take my weapon from me. It's a bold and stupid move. I like it. I'm so impressed, I can't even muster up the right amount of anger. I have underestimated Seonghwa. He sheathes his blade, tosses Jongho's back to his sleeping form, and then grabs me by my upper arm. "I stay because he's my brother. Because he is the only family member who loves me unconditionally. Something you could never understand." I want to deny it, to defend my relationship with my father. But no words spring to mind. So with my free hand, I hit him where my sword struck him earlier. He winces with pain, then moves me over to the other side of him. "It seems we both managed to uncover things better left buried. Now, let's get you back to the ship." 

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