back to the lotus peir and gusu.

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After  completing their  training they both decided  to spent some time together . They spent 2 months with their grandma and yating Jie. They have done so many things together to make their memory memorable like going on picnic travelling farming and fishing sparing.  they made so many beautiful  memory.

Wei ying: a-jie grandma  when i miss you guys can i come here or can you guys come to meet me? he asked nervously .

Yating and boashan saren can't  help but smile at the latter.

boashan saren and yating : sure.

Boashan saren: whenever  you both want you two can come here and stay here and if needed we can also come and meet you both guys.

Yating: and offcourse i will come to you both afteral i am your twin sis how  can i leave huh. she said while hugging wei yinG.
Wei ying had teary eyes. Both yating and boashan saren comforted him.

Wei ying : what about our wedding then will you come?

Yating : offcourse i will come . How can i miss my twin brother wedding.

Boashan saren: i can't  say now but i will try best to do it.

Wei ying became little sad when his grandma told that but still he is happy that his sister will sure attend their wedding.

His husband wangji was just happy and   smile at them. He know how they love each other and how much they mean to him and he mean to them.

Yating: now cheerup you have to go back to gusu and lotus peir you will meet you other family and friends who are waiting for you. And didn't biao jie told she is pregnant and she even asked your help to give her child name .

Wei ying: umm i am happy that i will meet them. And yes she is pregnant and asked me if i can give her child name. I have given jin rulan courtesy name  and birth name jin ling..

yating : its nice name. So lets go and stroll the market buy something for you both and others. And later we both need to pack you things also. Both wangji and
Wei ying nodded.

They were eating food in restaurant suddenly the kid of owner of restaurant came towards and call them to play.  Owner  wife also came toward to take them but she recognize  yating wei ying and wangji and while chit chatting  with her she got to know that tomorrow afternoon they gona leave the mountain. These words were spread like fire Throughout  the town so before they went  back all the town people organized the big feast for them everyone was invited .

Wei ying and wangji were happy that town people love them so much. Afterall they are so much adorable couple. All the people enjoy the feast together like there ia no more tomorrow . It has became like festival that was so lively and fun. At last those  fire cracker makes the night more beautiful and our wei ying and lan zhan were so thankful for having family like them. till midnight the feast was going on later wei ying and lan zhan both came to their room and slept as they were so tired of all those dance singing. they just cuddle and kiss eachother Since wangji want to do s*x after their proper wedding and they were still young so he want to devour hus wifey after their marriage when will not give his wifey any mercy.

🌄next morning 🌄

They both wake up and took bath and change their dress . They have packed some dress and some more thing which there sister and grandma has given them. they went to the kitchen and sat their for breakfast. Soon now its time for leaving yating boashan saren and wei ying were Having teary eyes they don't want to be apart. Our wangji opps i mean  wei wangji was also sad for leaving them .

Soon they went out of cave and mount their sword and went towards Gusu  since it was the closet one. They  also got to know jiang cheng was there so it was good to meet them all there and later thry could meet yanli.

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