ming sect -II

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ming ziyi is the sect leader of ming sect which is specially taken over by the girl . the ancestors of ming sect was a women so female are more favoured than male. But they still treat them very well. when they found out their sect leader was pregnant they were worried who is the father of the baby . When the elder ask her who was her father baby she told all the inccident that happen on that day how jing guanshan drugged her tea and taken advantage of her. Everyone were shock when they got know there sect leader was drugged and taken advantage of it. They were ready to kill the jin guanshan But still he was the father of baby so they didn't kill because now the first priority was to whether their sect leader want the child or not. After all there was no fault of this unborn child so Sect leader didn't want to abort it so she decided to give birth to the child. she secluded herself till she give birth to her son.

It was really good day when they got to know meng xiang is also pregnant so they made a plan and elders also approved for the plan. The plan was that if it was girl then they will not send it to brothel but if it is boy they will send to brothel. And if meng xiang has giving birth to daughter then her daughter will be brought here and if its boy then it will meng xiang choice wether what should we do.

when this plan was said to meng xiang by sisi at first she was hesitant afrerall she was a mother she don't want her child to be far from her. But when sisi told her if she will give birth to daughter then her life will also be like her she will live rest of her life being prostitute. But if she give her daughter then she will live as dignify women . She will be the disciple and adopted daughter of sect leader ming . She will know about her birth mother we will not hide anything about her mother . If he is boy then he can also be sect member sisi can adopt him as her son. And give him a better future . And if our sect leader give birth to son we need you to tale care of him.
Meng xiang: why did sect leader ming want to send her son to live in a prostitute ? (confuse)

ming sisi: because from starting he should know and learn about this cruel world don't worry he will know who is his birth mother and will meet with time to time. you can also meet your child time to time. He should know how cruel selfish greedy is his father.

Meng xiang : since my child will have bright and dignified future i will help sect leader ming.

Ming sisi: they will sure have bright future don't worry. We will exchange the baby when you will give the birth don't worry if later needed we will help you and your sister ti bring you guys out of this prison .

sect leader ming was very happy about this news. She know it will be hard for to send her son away from its home . But still he will be the sect heir he needs to know what type of world this is . until the one will not suffer they will not know how cruel is thiS world.
Like this 9 month has gone. sect leader ming has given birth to son whose birth name was ming xuan and courtsey name was ming yao . It has become 4 days after she has given birth to her son and the day when she got to know meng xiang has given birth to the daughter. So its was the time to send her son to the brothel which she was reluctant to do. Later that night they exchange their kids. Ming xaun or yao name change into meng yao. He was grown in brothel knowing how the world works. Sect leader ming and ming sisi come to near restaurant to meet her son and the meng xiang with meng xiang daughter name ming fei. Both the kids know who are their birth mother . They both treat eachother like real sibling. Meng xiang and her daughter ming fei were greatful to sect leader ming but sect leader was ming was also greatful to her for take caring of her son like her own son. Meng yao always knew his mother has sent some senior disciple to protect him from any danger.

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