chapter 8

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Rittika's pov-

Today i'm craving for one of my favourite dish chiken curry and paratha (an indian recipe)....i love this dish when my mom cooks..i'm missing her..
I called her ."mom?"
"Yes beta ?what are you doing my child?" She replied.

Me-"i'm missing you"

Mom-"oh my baby.I miss you too."

Me-"I'm craving for your paratha and chiken curry."😞

Mom-"what can mom do now?I feel so sad knowing that I cant fulfill your wish for now."

Me -"hmm .I know.i'm sad too"

Mom-"oh my hungry baby.why sad?you are too a great can cook them just like me ,you have made before..lets make it dear..Bani will be also happy."

Me-"you are right.but dont know if she would have dinner with me or not.she is very busy now a days."

Mom-"its okey.when you have craved for it you should definitely cook it"

Me-"okey mom.then I'll call you at night"

Mom-"bye beta.dont forget to send me the pictures of what you make"

Me- "sure mom."

Automatically a smile appeared on my face .I started preparing for my dinner. dinner is ready .it smells good.i heard the door knob twisted..

"Whoao..Bani? Is that you? How did you find this path to your own home?"

Bani- " come on Rittu..dont be angry on me.what can I do when my hitlar boss is  giving me a hard time?"

I just shrugged my shoulder as who know.

Bani- "woaoo..what a smell rittu..did you make chiken and paratha? For me? Oh my god lucky I am."

Me- " dont dare to touch it is made only for me..have you even informed me that you will have dinner at home?"

Bani- " why should I? Its common to have dinner with you..I do inform when ever i dont come."

Well thats true but now a days she informs me every day that she cant have dinner at how would I know about today? I just keep my mouth shut ..I'm realy very disappointed on her...I dont know anyone here .and bani my only friend and family here dont have time for me....I started setting the table for two of us..

Bani- " I knew it cant eat alone without sharing with me.
She smiled broadly and hovered on the food .

Me- " atleast wash your hand bani."

Bani - " I have already used sanitizer in the car"

"Uff.." I made a irritated sound..

After so long i'm feeling a little bit of my home I dine with bani and my indian dishes...I went to sofa after diner while bani also joined me .she had freshened up and we both are in our pjs.

Bani - " I think atleast for a week I can have  my normal life back."

Me- " why so."

Bani-" my boss has gone abroad and will come back next week."

Me- " oh .thats great..for a whole week you are going to make breakfast then."

Bani- (pouted) " what ? Why? "

Me- " why not? For the whole last week I made breakfast and dinner both..I ate alone with out you..did I complained? Now this is your punishment ."

Bani- " you know na i'm not so good at cooking like you..but i can make it for you by giving you a treat tomorrow evening."

Me- " I'm not available at tomorrow evening."

Bani-" why? Do you have a date?" (And started smiling.)

Me - " shut up.its not a date..its just.."


I ordered a black coffee for him.he was continuously staring at me..his stare was realy very intimidating still I notice he is looking dangerously handsome with a pointed nose ,sharp jaw line,trimmed beard,neatly combed backwardly brownish black hair,not to mention a very fair skin and my familiar deep sea green eyes..

He was absolutely silent only gazing at me.It was feeling awkward. I wanted to break the silence but I didn't know how to start a conversation..I never thought the man who was on death bed few days ago could have been this much staid ..his aura was speaking power..

To my fortune the waiter came with a black coffee and placed it with a smile..I look up smiled back and mumbled a small thanks. Then I noticed that people around us was looking towards my table ,no not to the table but to the person who was sitting just infront of they have seen a alien or may be a celebrity!!

I look around and most of the people were staring at us..I felt it a little uncomfortable and look into my lap..I'm not a shy type of girl but I dont like unwanted attention of people..just then I heard that masculine voice again and I look up.

He- " Rittika look at me."

Oh finally the silence broke.

Me-"you know my name? ( I was surprised .)

He nodded.

Me - " how?"

He- "from the hospital form."

I remembered and nod in response.

Me- " your coffee is getting cold."

He averted his gaze from me for the first time to look at his cup and took a sip..I dont know how people drink black coffee type bitter too took a sip from my sweet mocha.

Me- " so can you tell me why did you disappeared from that hospital suddenly? "
Just then his phone rang.he look at his phone but did not receive it.

He- " I would like to invite you tomorrow for dinner with me."

Me- " you did not answered my question. "
He- "I will explain you tomorrow.I will come to pick you up from your residence" ( he stood up from his chair..)

Me- " no thats not needed.I can go myself ."

He- " well then I'll inform you the address ".

Me- " you do have my address and number too?"

He nodded and what did I see a smirk on his lips?
He turned right, was ready to leave.

Me- " can I atleast know your name?"

He stopped at his spot and turned to me.he paused for few second again staring at me then replied                                " Adriano.......Adriano costa". He continued his stare at me for few more seconds then left the cafe with long strides...

I was astounded what was with that attitude? Is he the same person whom i met at such a vulnerable condition few days back.!!!!

         :::Flashback ended:::

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