Moving Away

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I woke up with a pounding headache and I look over and see Christian sleeping. We had kind of a long talk last night that made me end up crying. I was moving away for work and school.


Y/n: "Hey..babe, can we talk?"

Christian: "Yeah, whats up, love?"

Y/n: "Um..I have a very important decision to make, um.. so, I finally got a modeling photo shoot booked. But..."

Christian: "But..? Where is it?"

Y/n: "It's all the way in California. I don't want to leave you here."

Christian: "Shit, really? Come here, what ever you decide to do, I'll still support you." He motioned me to hug him.

Y/n: "Thanks, baby. I love you."

Christian: "I love you so much. But if I were you, I'd take that opportunity."

Y/n: "You think I should? It's just th-"

Christian: "Yes, I believe you will be so great at it. I know how long you've dreamt of this day to finally do it."

Y/n: "This is just the worst. It's the worst decision I've had to make. I don't want to leave you here alone in Sydney. I want you to come with me."

Christian: "Well...luckily for you..the guys and I signed with fearless records and were moving to Cali, too."

Y/n: "Oh my God, that's great news! I'm proud of you and the guys for chasing your dreams." I kissed him.

I began crying.

Christian: "Babe, what's wrong?"

Y/n: "I'm ju-just gonna miss you and I- I don't wanna leave you- I know I'm- im clingy, but-"

Christian: "Not at all, I love you. I want you to go though. I won't be far for too much longer either."

Y/n: "I know. It's just gonna be difficult." I looked into his eyes, which were full of sorrow and empathy, also looking as if he were about to cry too.

Christian: "It's alright, love. I'll only be a phone call or text away if you need me."

I hugged him for the longest time. I didn't move a muscle, I just wanted to be stuck like this.

-Flashback ends-

I look over at him sleeping. I'm gonna miss him.

Hey!!! How's everyone doing so far? Sorry this was a short one, I didn't really have much of any imagination today. We've made it to 50 chapters! And over 2k reads, thank you!! I love you guys 💜🫶🏻

Christian Anthony Smut/Imagines/PrefencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin