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Loki :)

Banished from Asgard, sent to earth to live there for the rest of your life.
You were consumed by power you didn't know you had. It was never your fault.
Loki would've said that if he was there with you right now. Your trickster, and his enchantress.
Strolling around New York City, it was just like every other day.
Cars driving pass, tourists everywhere, just all the same.
Though there was people running all of a sudden. Running away from the other direction.
'Move!' One had pushed you as you were in their "way".
Was there a marathon you didn't know about? You just shrugged.
Though before you moved you might have put a spell on the person who pushed you.
It was little spell, okay maybe you turned that person into a frog but who cares? The spell was going to wear off in 24 hours anyway.
As you turned around the corner, there were these funny looking robots.
They turned to you, and that's when you started running.
'What the hell?' You said to yourself as you killed them.
Suddenly a man with a red cape flew near you.
'Are you okay?' He asked.
Hold on.
You recognised that voice.
'Thor?' You tilted your head.
'Lady y/n?' He finally turned around.

'Oh my God, it is you!' You smiled as he did.
'Glad to see you again lady y/n.' He hugs you unexpectedly.
'Oh okay still have that crushing hug of yours.' You laughed.
'Thor we need you here!' A man in a blue suit ran past.
'I'll see you around lady Y/N.' He says running after him.
'I'll see you around.. as well.' You said.
And on that moment someone grabbed you off the ground, you screamed.
It was one of the robots again.
'Help!' You shouted out loud.
Suddenly you were dropped, landing on a weird platform.
'My enchantress.' A voice says behind you as you stood up.
'Loki?' You turned around stumbling a bit since you were flying on a weird whatever its called.
'Hello my dear enchantress.' He smiles, he was sitting down.
He shifted, patting the spot next to him.
'Come sit my love.' Loki says.
There was something off about him.

Suddenly you saw someone on a building, he held a bow and an arrow.
As you went pass him he shot the arrow.
But before you could do anything it was about to shot you when Loki leant over and caught it.
'It's ticking throw it away-' All of a sudden Loki grabbed you tightly as he throw it away but it was too late it had exploded.
Before you know it you both were falling.
Landing in a building. You landing on top of him.
Rolling off you groaned.
'What's happening? Loki?' He stood up groaning in pain.
Loki looked at you.
'Your eyes, they're blue.'
You cutted him off, suddenly a man walked in.
Loki pushed you behind him.

'Would you like a drink?' The man offered, wait you recognise him. Tony Stark.
'Loki what's going on?'
'Silence!' He hissed at you.
'I'll tell you what's going on actually.' Tony points at you.
'Your friend here is trying to rule earth. That and trying to kill us, he actually did one of us Phil Coulson.' He says.
Loki's gripped his scepter tightly.
Before you knew it he had you on a chokehold, you gasped for air. Raising his scepter near your chest.
'Loki what are you doing?' You panicked.
'Friday.' You heard Tony says.
'Loki?' You shaked beneath him.
He was about to press his scepter on your chest when you kicked him, making him drop you.

Tony had gotten into his suit by then, floating around him.
'Give up reindeer games, even your friend here thinks you should as well.' He says.
You looked at him, anger in your face.
You looked at his ocean eyes that was once emerald, but suddenly the blue in his eyes turned to green, then blue.
Without saying anything else you punched him hard, knocking him out.
'Um wow, you can hit.' Tony laughs.
You stayed silent, tears welled your eyes.
'Tony we need you out here.' You heard a voice call for him.
You used your magic to get the scepter and gave it to Tony.
'Yeah I'll be there, hey kid do you think you can handle reindeer games here?' He then asks you. You nodded.
After Tony left, Loki then woke up.
His emerald eyes back again.
'Loki.' You pulled him into a tight hug. Sobbing.
You felt his arms wrapped around you.
'y/n.. I can't believe-'
'What happened?' You pulled away caressing his face.

'Loki tell me what happened.' You whispered, tears falling.
Loki brought one of his hands to wipe your tears away, the other holding your hand as you caress his cheek.
'Loki.' You whispered, your voice shaking.
He didn't say anything else as he pulled you into his arms.
'I did it for father, I wanted to kill Laufey, I- and then I fell... Thanos he messed with my mind and I'm here.' He explained.
You were shocked of course, he was mind controlled, your Loki. Your Loki was mind controlled.
'I didn't mean any harm its just, I wanted to make father proud and now I'm here.' He says.
You grabbed his hand and kissed it, bringing it up to your cheek.
'It was never your fault Loki.' You say to him.
'But it is-'
'Your father couldn't see the great in you, Odin can't and he won't. Because your Laufey's son.' Loki tensed.
'Loki it's not the worse being Laufey's son. I- look Loki, I'll help you fix everything.' You smiled, he looked at you with hope.
'You will?'
'Yes I will.'
'I'll tell Thor, and then he'll forgive you hopefully, but I'm sure Thor will help us.'
'No he won't.'
'Loki, he cares about you, brother or not he will. Importantly I will.'

'Loki I love you, and I don't want you being hurt.'You say all of a sudden.
'You what?'
'I love you Loki.' You say again.
He pulled you into him again.
'I shouldn't have let you go.' His voice broke.
'We both couldn't help it.' You said.
'After this promise you'll tell them what happened?'
'I promise, just I want you to be there... please.'
'I will my trickster.' You said with a laugh.
Loki laughed.
'My Enchantress.'He says.

As you both pulled away you realise there was a group of people looking at you both, the same man holding a bow was there as well.
'You can start now.' You said to Loki getting up.
You gave him your hand in which he took, helping him get up.
After that day, you both spent every hour, every minute together. You never left his side, as he never left yours. You love him and he loves you.
Your trickster and his enchantress.

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