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Jisung had always liked Chenle's voice. Ever since they met in SM Entertainment, it was the one thing that Jisung had really noticed. As they trained and got older, Chenle's voice had gotten stronger and more beautiful. Everything about the way he sang was everything to Jisung.

When the time to debut came along, Jisung tried as hard as he could. He made sure that his dancing was never off, and that his raps were impeccable. It was a lot of pressure that he'd put on himself, especially with how much he'd shunned the other members.

Jisung was sat in the studio, rubbing at his temples in frustration. No matter what he did, the lyrics that he was writing never seemed to roll of his tongue properly. It wasn't even due to his slight lack of the languages. He'd been awake for what felt like days, cooped up in the studio. Mark had come in every now and then, telling the younger that he needed to go home and rest. Jisung had always replied the same way:

"I'm just finishing up, Hyung. I'll leave soon."

He knew that Mark wouldn't buy it, but the elder still left him to it. Jisung sighed, leaning back in the office chair that occupied the studio. He didn't even know when the last time he ate was; maybe... 9 hours ago? Possibly more.

The studio door suddenly creaked open. "Sung, you're still here?" Jisung glanced up, only to see Chenle looking back at him.

"Yeah..." Jisung gave the elder a smile, but it did nothing to mask his tiredness.

Chenle rolled his eyes, walking further into the studio. "It's almost 1am, just come home." He sounded almost frustrated.

"I've just gotta finish th-"

"No, Jisung." Chenle had a stern tone.

Chenle held his hand out for Jisung, expecting the younger to take it. Jisung just raised an eyebrow, until the elder actually grabbed his hand. "We are leaving, you need rest." Chenle waited for the younger to nod before grabbing his notebook and dragging him out.

The studio was located in the SM building, which was located a bit of a walk from the dorms. They probably shouldn't have been walking around in the early hours of the morning, but Jisung was too tired to scold Chenle about it.

Jisung looked down to where their hands were interlocked. Chenle was a little ahead, dragging the younger behind him. Jisung kind of liked the warm feeling that Chenle's hand was giving off. He never felt that way with any of the others, nothing when Jeno would sling his arm around his shoulders, or how Jaemin would sometimes jump on his back. No one else gave him his warmth, and just from a bit of skin contact.

When they reached the dorm, Chenle dragged Jisung all the way to their shared room. Jisung flopped down on his bed, thankful that he was in joggers and an oversized hoodie. He could easily fall asleep like this.

"Now sleep." Chenle ordered, placing Jisung's lyrical notebook on their shared side table.

"Chenle..." Jisung mumbled out, his eyes already feeling heavy.

"Hmm?" Chenle hummed as he got himself into bed, shifting about with the duvet.

"Sing for me...." Jisung's voice was becoming quieter, but Chenle heard the words loud and clear.

"W-why?" Chenle internally cursed himself for stuttering but it had probably gone unnoticed in the younger's sorry state.

"I like your voice." Jisung answered simply.

Chenle sighed, already thinking about what song to sing. "Any requests?" He questioned.

"Soft... anything..." Jisung's eyes were already closed, he probably wasn't even really listening.

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