Land of Dreams

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DeDeDe stared into the infinite expanse of the night sky, pondering his life. Standing on the balcony of his bedroom overlooking his kingdom, he reminisced about the start of his rule. He had expected it to go smoothly, he remembered. Walking into the throne room and being told he owned everything in the kingdom. Such bliss! But empty still was his soul. Ruling over such a peaceful land, he remembered itching for a fight. A desire that would lead to a massive humbling by a small pink creature named Kirby. 

In the years following he would eventually befriend the small pink lump, even accompanying him on life-threateningly dangerous missions to neutralize danger to their homelands. He wasn't the only one who would travel with Kirby though, with a great many others befriending Kirby. It seemed Kirby just couldn't stop making friends he thought, sighing. His gaze wandered over to the darkened horizon, transfixing on a single star that shone brighter than others. A few minutes later, he simply walked back inside to hit the sack.

Meta Knight stared at the sea bordering the massive hangar that housed his airship, wondering what the next big threat would bring. He couldn't doubt that there would be one, it was like clockwork at this point, and expecting otherwise would result in inevitable defeat. He did notice that Kirby would inevitably fall into the equation but chalked it up to Kirby simply being too strong for even a god to ignore. He had slain a good few after all. He stared for a bit longer at the sea, listening as its waves crashed against the sheer cliffs, weathered from years of impact. He returned to the hangar to inspect the work being done to repair his airship, failing to notice or acknowledge a small bright dot on the horizon, thinking none of it.

Bandana Waddle Dee sat on a branch in the forest, scanning the sky for threats to Dreamland. He did this since, well, that was where most threats to the kingdom came from. Thinking over his past adventures with Kirby, taking into careful consideration the warning signs that came with world-shattering doom. He relaxed, finding none, but still had a queasy feeling bubbling inside. He considered taking a small break to rest, ultimately deciding against it as danger could strike at any moment. He scanned the night sky, peering into the smallest disturbances in the inky black expanse before his eyes found their mark. A small point on the horizon, almost like a pinprick in the night sky letting the light from the other side filter through. He focused on it, knowing this would be his subject of surveyal for the rest of the night, or at least till he passed out from exhaustion. Until then though, he would inspect it, trying to determine whether or not it was an active threat to the kingdom.

Kirby snored in his little cottage, dreaming of cakes and candies. Delicious pastries and sweet confections danced in his little head, causing little drops of drool to collect at the bottom edge of his mouth(mainly due to a lack of lips).  Fruits joined the joyful jaunt, differing in size and color, each more delectable than the last. He smiled in his sleep, with a smile that could illuminate the world. This paled however, in comparison to the bright white star, shining in the background, outshining the pale rays that rained down from the pale moonlight. Kirby didn't care though, since he was dreaming of delicious things, therefore he couldn't see the light through his window. And so he laid there contently, dreaming sweet things, blissfully unaware of the world around him, if only for a few more moments.

Hey, Strollin_Mallow here, I haven't really had time to write the past few weeks, so I'm not going to be publishing that often. Hope you have a great day!

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