Chapter 1

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As I approached the bus stop in the dead of night, I heard gunshots ringing. As I approached closer, I could see why. I saw a girl with splatters of blood on her clothing, standing over the corpses of 3 young men. She had brown, curly hair and wore all black clothing. She had a pistol in one hand and a knife in the other.

"Nice night for killing I suppose?"

Before I could even move, she was right behind me, gun on my back and knife to my neck.  "Give me a reason as to why I shouldn't kill you?"

"You're that one slasher they've been talking about on the news, right?" I asked.  The girl nodded, so I continued. "I can give you a home. Like a base of some kind. And you have my word that I won't report you to the cops the second you step in my home."

The girl took the knife off my neck and gun off my back. I turned around and saw her smile sinisterly. "How do you know I won't betray you?"

"Listen, I'm offering you a good deal. If you kill me, you lose all of that."

"Fair point," the girl said. She then stuck her hand out. "Deal." I extended my hand and shook hers. "Now help me get rid of the bodies."

We took the bodies of the young men and dumped them in a river. While I was sure they wouldn't be found for a while, I was still glad that the girl had extra gloves for me to wear. And so we made our way home.

"So, I don't think I've got your name," I told the girl. "Mine's Aaron."

"Belle," the girl said. "And don't expect anymore personal details."

I nodded. "Well, now some info on me. My parents have been dead for some time, and I inherited their wealth. I don't have to work for a while. And with your help, maybe even longer."

Belle started laughing. It was a high pitched, squeaky laugh, which I could tell was gonna get old. "I can always rob them." She then pulled out a wallet and took out some money. "In fact, I have about 500 right now."

I looked back at her. "Hm. You can do that. I can handle the spending's."

"Ha. I can do that myself."

I put my hands up in an I Surrender way. "Sorry for trying to be nice."

"Wow, someone being nice? I've never experienced that," she said sarcastically. "Wanna know what happened to those who were nice to me?"

"I have a few guesses," I responded.

"I killed them. You know how long I've been killing?" Belle asked. I shook my head. "Since I was 16. I even killed my parents."

"That sounds like a familiar story. How many serial killers started off by killing their own parents?"

"Jeffery Dahmer didn't kill his," Belle pointed out.

"Luckily I said 'many', not 'every.'" I said. 

"Fair point. So how big is your house?"

Not very big," I responded. "In fact, I sold my old house and bought a smaller, cheaper one since I don't wanna work."

"Smart. How small is it?"

"3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. I don't have any roommates, so you can have your own room," I told Belle. "You can also do whatever you want, I don't care."

"Hm. Good. Say, are you smart?" Belle asked.

"I like to think I am. Never took an IQ test," I said. "Why?"

"Maybe you will be useful. I want you to plan out my murders."

I looked back at her. "Plan out? So you're not random?"

The Turbulent Tale of Aaron (Aaron and Friends Ver. C)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang