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"Oh, thank you dear." Ryujin said, smirking as Yeji gave her lunch tray through the bars. Yeji seemed nervous, palms sweaty and face a little red.

Ryujin smiled at her, knowing full well she had the guard wrapped around her finger.

"You're thinking some pretty naughty things, Yeji." Ryujin said, pouting. Yeji gulped, terrified of the girl but also incredibly turned on thinking about what they did last night.

"I'm going to do other-"

"You're staying right here." Ryujin said, chuckling as Yeji froze and turned back to her cell. "You brought this upon yourself, pretty." She said, giving Yeji a look filled with evil, yet, softness...

"You're the one who-"

"Ah, that's another thing you humans do, try to push the blame onto others instead of admitting to your wrong." Ryujin interuppted, smirking as Yeji gulped. "Just admit it Yeji, you gave into lust, and you didn't think before you let me in."

Yeji stared at her, processing everything the girl was saying, one thought came to mind, just for a moment. Being how badly she wished she could choke her to death in that moment. If Ryujin wasn't so damn hot then maybe she wouldn't have-

"Then choke me, Yeji." Ryujin said, letting her tray down and standing to meet Yeji at the bars. "Go on, wrap your fingers around my neck, and kill me."

Yeji's eyes widened, and she took two steps away. Seemingly frightened, but it didn't last.

"You're right, I did do wrong." Yeji said, thinking on her words for a moment. "Then again, what's so wrong with a little bad behavior." She looked into Ryujin's darkening eyes, the prisoner seeming to like her phrasing a little too much.

She walked away to do other duties, and Ryujin remained, zoning out to Yeji's words. Not a peep being yelled to call her back...


A few days past, Ryujin didn't say a word to Yeji. Not one, and it was starting to make the brunette a little furious.

"Do you want your food?" Yeji asked, tray right at the slot in the bars.

Ryujin said nothing, just looked at her like a puppy and nodded; her tongue licking her lips for rather bland and tasteless food.

"Use your voice, Shin." Yeji said, purposely not saying her name even though she already did that night long ago. Ryujin just shrugged and sat back on her mattress. She stared at Yeji, back against the wall, legs spread as if stretching.

Still, not a word. Yeji gave the food anyway, slowly pushing it through the slot and holding it, waiting for Ryujin to take it so it wouldn't just drop to the floor.

"Look, if you aren't going to take it-"

"I want to make another deal with you." Ryujin said, standing with inhuman speed and grasping the tray, her hands also slipping past the styrofoam and to Yeji's wrists.

"W-What?" Yeji said, gulping from the sudden closeness. She also knew Ryujin had her hands on her, who knows what she could do with just that bit of physical leverage.

"You heard me." Ryujin whispered, taking the tray then. She set it on the ground nearly before meeting Yeji at the bars again.

Yeji noticed how dark Ryujin's eyes had become, and she couldn't help but wonder if the latter found her somewhat attractive.

"Once more, I'll let you ask me anything." Ryujin said, pondering for a moment. "In exchange for... hmmm..." Ryujin's face scrunched up, to which Yeji found adorable.

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