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Once, in the village of Ojonta, there lived a great hunter. His name was Obiagu. Obiagu was known not only in Ojonta but in its neighbouring villages. Obiagu became known as “Lion”. Obiagu married Nkechi from another village and together they had children. Obiagu’s first child was Nnamdi, a son. Then he had Ada, Ijeoma, Amarachi, Chioma, Chidinma, Ikenna.

Obiagu was a happy man. Every night, he gathered his family together and talked to them. Sometimes, they told stories and laughed together. Nkechi was also a proud woman. Whenever she went to the market, she would walk smartly with excitement; this was because it was an honour to have two sons and so many girls in their village.

Every morning, when the family wakes up, the five girls go to the stream to fetch water. Nnamdi would go with his father to hunt while Nkechi will carry Ikenna to the market. When Nkechi comes back, she would prepare food for the family while her daughters and her son were playing in the yard. After her children had eaten, she would eat any leftover and hasten to prepare the evening meal. When Nnamdi and Obiagu are back, the family eats together and tells stories. This was the daily activity in the family and they enjoyed it.

Obiagu loved all his children and sent Nnamdi to school but Nnamdi was not able to complete his education.
One day, a boy ran into Ojonta market screaming. He went straight to his mother who was selling foodstuff. “Mama, Mama, I just saw a lion in the forest”, the small boy said. Everyone became concerned. The next day a girl who went to the stream was found in a pool of blood. People became scared. The market and other public places were abandoned because of the lion. Many hunters had gone into the forest and never came back, so this caused more anxiety for the people.

In a meeting of the elders, fifteen hunters were chosen to go into the forest where the lion stayed. They were to go there and kill this dangerous lion but first they would go home and have a long rest. When Obiagu who had also been chosen by the elders got home, and told his family, all of them were sad. This night, the family did not gather together as usual, rather, they went to sleep. The next day seemed to come very quickly and Obiagu hurried away to the meeting of the elders.
Nkechi and her children stayed indoors and the whole of Ojonta was quiet.

When all the hunters chosen were present at the meeting place, they were sent by the elders to the Lion’s forest as it was now called. Obiagu was the leader of the hunters and they went quickly into the lion’s forest. Many days past and no one heard from the hunters and the lion. Everyone was anxious to know what happened to the hunters who risked their lives for the village.

Ikenna was playing with his friend Emeka in front of his house. Suddenly, they both turned and saw some men coming from distance. Emeka soon recognized his father, “There are the hunters”, said Emeka. The whole of Ojonta gathered. One hunter carried the lion’s body while the rest carried a mat on which Obiagu lay. He had seen the lion and it attacked him. Obiagu killed the lion but it had already done much harm on him. Now Obiagu’s dead body was carried to the palace of the King of Ojonta.
Obiagu was buried. It was a great ceremony. Cannons were fired into the air. The whole Ojonta and the neighbouring villages knew that an important person had left the earth to join his ancestors. Mourning and dancing continued for days. Four years old Ikenna could not remember how many goats were slaughtered. Nkechi dressed in her mourning outfit and was sad.
With many festivities, Obiagu was buried in a grave in his compound. The dead lion was put with him as a mark of respect and honour. His hunting weapons were also put in the grave beside him. Nkechi and her children found life difficult now. Because of their troubles and problems, Nnamdi was sent at seventeen to live with his uncle in the city. His uncle, Mr. Amobi was a rich trader, and the purpose of Nnamdi’s going there was to join his uncle in the trading. One month later, Nnamdi sent Fifteen Thousand Naira to his family in his village. Nkechi was happy. She was able to feed the family and send Ikenna to school. The school was in Amatima village and it was called “Amatima Central School”. Ikenna was very intelligent and always took the first position in his new school.
But after four months and Nkechi did not hear from her first son she became worried. The money he gave them was finished and Ikenna could not go to school anymore. One day, Nkechi woke up early and went to sweep the compound. She came to her husband’s grave, prayed beside it and continued with her chores. Not long after she heard a car horn and she saw a Corolla car coming right into the yard.
The noise woke her children and they ran out. The car parked and a familiar figure stepped out. It was Nnamdi. Nkechi and her children were surprised but Ikenna ran to Nnamdi, “brother, brother”, he said. Nnamdi hugged Ikenna, then his mother and his sisters. They went inside the house and Nnamdi narrated his experience. He said that his uncle was a kind man. He showed him what to do and took care of him. Soon, he bought his own store and put some things in it to sell. At first, it was not easy and that was why he didn’t send them any money. But, things changed, customers lined up at his store most of the time and he bought more stores many places and began to have apprentices.
When Nnamdi stopped talking, Ikenna said, “Brother, will you pay my school fees, please? “Nnamdi laughed and nodded, I will pay your school fees”. Ikenna was happy.
The next day, Nnamdi and Ikenna came out of the house. Ikenna was going to school. Emeka, Chike, and Ebuka were looking at the car. They had never seen such a moving house before. Nnamdi told Ikenna, Ebuka, Chike,and Emeka to enter the car. He drove them to Amatima Central School. There they came down from the car and Nnamdi went with Ikenna to pay his school fees. After paying, Nnamdi left and Ikenna went to his classroom. There were new boys and girls he had never met before. He sat on the ground beside Chike and a teacher came in and taught them.
When school was over, Nnamdi came to pick Ikenna and his friends. As soon as Ikenna got home, he ate yam and palm oil. Then, they gathered together and told stories and expressed their feelings. Six years later, Ikenna at ten years of age took his common entrance examination. Ikenna came out in flying colours. He passed so well that he was awarded a scholarship from the government. It will sponsor him throughout his education.
Nnamdi got married to Ego, a young girl from Ojonta. Meanwhile, Ikenna completed his education and became a doctor. He took care of his family and thanked his brother. Nnamdi was really proud of him.


      1) Describe Obiagu
      2) What does his family do every day?
      3) What happened at Ojonta market?
      4) What happened to the girl that went to the stream?
      5) Describe Obiagu’s burial?
      6) What happened to Obiagu?
      7) Who did Nnamdi live within the city?
      8) What happened to him in the city?
      9) Who did Nnamdi marry?
     10) What is the meaning of
      a) Honour
     b)  Neighbour
      c) Anxiety
  d) Anxious
      e) Slaughter
      f) Recognize
g) Compound
  h) Proud
     i) Award

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