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                 CHAPTER TWO

Eberechukwu looked at the wall of her room. Directly opposite her, on the other end of the wall in her rectangular room stood her bed with a faded white bed sheet. There was a little stool in the room and her wardrobe where she kept her clothes and other personal belongings including her shoes. On her door, was posted a banner, “My year of abundant victory”. Ebere turned and looked at the banner. It didn’t seem to work at all for her. Eberechukwu then remembered what made her most angry. It was her custom, in fact all her customs especially the marriage part of everything.

She recalled when her fiancé, Junior came to her village all the way from the city just to ask for her hand in marriage. On his arrival, he was served a very delicious meal prepared by her mother, Adaego. He really enjoyed himself until Mazi Okekenta, her father came home from the market. He was surprised when he saw Junior whom Ebere always told him about. Mazi Okekenta welcomed him warmly and asked how his trip was. He replied saying it was fine and then he went straight to the point. Her father looked at him as if he was a fool. He sighed and said he would take Junior, Ebere and Adaego to see Mazi Okoro, their village head and priest.

When they all got to the house of Mazi Okoro, he was seated outside with his fifth wife as she rubbed and massaged his back. Mazi Okoro saw them from afar and sent his youngest wife into her hut. The August visitors sat down and after taking some kola, went to the real business. Mazi Okoro laughed and then said, “The custom does not allow a woman or young girl to marry a man who is not from the village of Umuajara. You must marry your fellow villager as others do not have pure blood. Secondly, if a woman must marry from outside that person should be ready to spend a lot of money.

Junior stood up, looked at Mazi Okoro, Mazi Okekenta, Adaego and Eberechukwu, then he stormed out. Ebere in tears; followed him. Junior entered his car and zoomed off. Ebere stared at the car in the midst of dust it raised in the dry harmattan season and tears ran down her cheeks. It seemed like the worst moment of her life and she could not be consoled.

It slowly grew dark and the kerosene lamp was still on. Ebere’s room became stuffy, as there was no window in it. Ebere slowly and unconsciously walked to her bed and fell on it. In a minute, she slept but not for long. It was like a dream and she heard a voice, “Ebere , wake up, wake up”. Suddenly, she sat up and saw Adaego, her mother. Adaego inspite of her fat was beautiful. In fact she was a black beauty. Mazi Okoro had married her from Obodo town, two villages away from Umuajara, where men only could marry from other villages. Adaego wore her blouse with a wrapper tied around her chest. Ebere looked at her mother and wondered how Adaego would feel in her condition. “Ebere, are you still sleeping?” she had asked. “Wake up, Chioma and Sandra, your friends, are here to see you”, “I am coming mama”, she replied. Adaego left and Ebere heard her tell Sandra and Chioma that she was coming. Ebere walked to her wardrobe and yawned, then stretched. She sneezed and then opened her wardrobe and some clothes tumbled out. She picked up a bogus blouse and a red skirt. Then Ebere hastily put the clothes that had fallen out of the wardrobe and walked to the door. She opened it and fresh air welcomed her. She smiled a little and then wore her slippers which were just outside the door. Ebere was sure her friends heard her shuffling feet from outside the house. She saw them under the orange tree few metres from the house. Her eyes were swollen from crying for Junior who had left two weeks and four days ago.

“Ebere , you look like a living corpse. Is it because of Junior that you are still crying? Ahah cheer up”, remarked Sandra. Look, you don’t know how I feel” replied Ebere. “It is okay”, said Chioma, “We come to console you, I mean life must go on”. Ebere gazed at her friends, “Come let us go and eat. The mosquitoes are already biting”. She said ending the subject. Adaego served them a meal of rice and stew. After eating, Chioma and Sandra stood up and left. Ebere went to her room biting her nails angrily. She wished there was something she could do to destroy the shrine in order to be free to marry anyone she wanted. She now also felt that Junior did not love her as he had always said. She went to her bed and lay on it and then she fell asleep.

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