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T he holiday had lasted for almost a month and the Jackson family had come back to the city to spend the remaining day left for holidays in their home .Mrs. Jackson, after unpacking her things began cleaning the house. Mr. Jackson settled down to watch the television .Their first child a daughter named Juliana was still unpacking her things. She was thirteen {13} years old and a brilliant student in SS2. The second child and only son of the family was sitting by his father, enjoying the programme. He was named Stephen and he was eleven {11} in JSS3. The last born was a girl, a curious child. Her name was Margret. She was eight {8} years old in basic 6. Margret was trying to concentrate on the novel she was reading but her mother’s call did not let her. Mrs. Jackson was cleaning the dining table and was also discussing in a loud voice, an incident of a prisoner who escaped. Margret dropped the novel and listened attentively to her mother.

“… and was last seen near a zoo. He was a robber and was called Mickley”. “Really’’, Mr. Jackson said, “I also heard of him but I never knew he escaped. May God help Nigeria.” “Amen”.  Replied Mrs. Jackson in a merry tone. She whistled as she went on with her work. Margaret was eager to hear more but instead, her mother walked towards the kitchen still whistling.

After her own house chores, Margaret went to visit her friend, Bisi. Bisi was a plump and curious girl. She opened the main gate to let her father’s car in and then she saw Margaret. Bisi let her in and locked the gate when her father had driven into the compound. The man, Mr. Olunlayo was a huge fat man. He looked pregnant with money. Margaret had hardly finished telling Bisi told her about a cave in the forest close to the city zoo. Margaret’s heart seemed to beat faster.
“It’s a cool place, I assure you. It is not really deep into the forest you know. Just a look and we’re back,” said Bisi.
“Okay, I’ll come.”

The two friends left the house after lying that they were going to Margaret’s house. The zoo was not too far from Bisi’s home. The forest near the zoo looked scary. Both of them had walked in it for about two minutes before they saw the cave and a sound frightened the two girls. They bravely walked on until they got to a place in the cave which had a very bad smell. Suddenly, footsteps were heard and the two kids jumped with fright. Margaret looked back and saw a candle light coming down and crawled to a corner in the cave hoping to be safe. The footsteps grew closer until the two children saw two men. One looked very dirty and had unshaved beard with a rough skin which looked burnt in different areas. The other man had a much better look and wore a black suit. He also looked rich. They were discussing and saying things about robbery.
“The escape was not easy. Those policemen are sharp,” said the dirty and unkempt man.

The other replied, “I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I’m sure you are okay.” Em, remember the bank we said we would rob. I hope your boys are ready”
“Yes, yes they are. Can you remind me the name of the bank? I can’t really recall.”
“It is em, Heaven Bank Plc, yes that is the name. In Charles Avenue.”

“Okay, I now remember,” the dirty man said in a hoarse tone. All of a sudden, he stopped. “This is the place I intend to bury it, you know what I mean now.”
“Eh, I understand.”
“We would do it on the spot marked “X”.
“Shhh, did you hear that?” asked the frightened well-dressed man.

“Ah, ah, it is nothing. Come let’s go now. Tomorrow, we will bury it”, the dirty man concluded and they both left.
Filled with terror, Bisi and Margaret left the cave. They discussed a great deal and concluded that both of them should meet at the entrance to the cave, in the evening the next day. Bisi went home and so did Margaret but she arrived home late.
“Where are you coming from at this hour, Margaret?” Mr. Jackson asked from the parlour as Margaret closed the entrance door.

“Margaret, didn’t you hear me? Where have you been?”
“I …um… I was just … em … I went to Bisi’s house.”
“Margaret has Bisi ever left our house late when she comes to visit us eh?” Mrs. Jackson put in when Margaret entered the sitting room.
“I’m sorry. It would not happen again”. “I just hope so. Your food is in the kitchen, you can go and eat now okay”.
“Yes mum”, Margaret said and went to eat.
After her supper, Margaret went upstairs to her elder sister’s room.

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