2.) Adjusting?

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4:30 PM, June 2039

Natasha still couldn't figure out the purpose of her presence in the new unfamiliar territory. It seemed that the longer she attempted to hold onto her memories the more challenging it became. Being in unfamiliar territory was a challenge for her and even harder since they were supposed to be nineteen years into the future. Where did the rest of the time go? Why would they skip so far and choose this exact date? It was too much for Natasha to try and understand. She's been battling a raging migraine for the last three hours and it seemed to intensify whenever she tried to recall her past life. What was that about?

"Natasha... you good?" August's voice cut into her unknown daze.

"Huh... I mean yeah... when'd you get in here?"

"About ten minutes ago..." August's gaze lingered on her for a moment before he joined her in the kitchen, "you sure you okay?"

"Yeah," she flashed a smile before returning her focus to the salmon she had in the bowl.

"Ok," he studied her briefly before joining Amelia at the table, "what are you working on, lil mama?"

"A map," she casually answered.

August and Natasha stared at her curiously. "A map?" August's brows creased, "a map for what?"

"No clue," she shrugged, swinging her feet, "it's for homework."

Interested, August leaned forward and studied the drawing for a while. "Looks like an exit plan."

Natasha wiped her hands and walked over to see for herself. "Why did your teacher tell you guys to do this?"

Amelia shrugged again, "we've been doing dis for months, remember?"

August and Natasha just nodded. If somehow their spirit or a replica of the two was there in their absence until their arrival, then who were they to disagree although they knew they'd never been around until just recently?

Things seemed like a never-ending cycle for the pair. Just like clockwork, the alarm went off at the same time every morning. Everyone did the same thing, eat breakfast, tell a story, stand outside and wait on the carpool. For two weeks, Natasha felt as if she had taken a dive into a whirlwind of anxious chaos. The only thing that felt authentic was bedtime because that was the only time when she felt as if she didn't have to stay on a schedule. Work was a drag. Everyone around her seemed to have good careers, yet she somehow got stuck with being a customer service representative. She had no idea that even tied into her so-called health background but it seemed to do fine in this world.

Sitting in her cubicle, nails tapping against the desk, occasional walking in the background and someone getting up to use the bathroom, Natasha was bored out of her mind. For two weeks she's been on this never-ending spin cycle and just wanted to jump off; if possible. Just like yesterday and the days prior, coworkers have been vanishing one by one. There was some bug going on and Natasha was doing her damndest to steer clear.

Jesus give me life, she thought before switching her monitor to break and standing.

Almost bumping into one of her coworkers, Natasha quickly leaned back but they seemed to be paying her no mind as they staggered toward the office, "another one bites the dust," she muttered before heading toward the restroom.

There was a woman with her feet hanging out the stall but the sound coming from her mouth was like something wicked. Natasha cringed as she stood near the sink wondering if she needed to pee that bad anymore or wait until quitting time. As the insane sound ceased and the toilet flushed, Natasha stared at the closed door until it opened and a woman with pale-like skin stared at her.

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