The devil is back

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Everything was going fine since war ended. I was now engaged to Delarge. The army paied me and I got a job drawing for a magazine. Delarge work on the same editor writting for yet another magazine. And we lived together. It was all going expectecularly wonderful. I never felt so happy in my entire life. It was all sunshines and rainbows until, of course, the one night I had been waiting for but pushing the thought away for as long as I could.
The doorbell rang in the evening. Me and Delarge looked at each other from across the room. He was making notes on a documentary that had just came out about the war on the sofa and I was doing a drawing on a popular kids show that was being rated as sexist on the dinning table.
"You expecting anyone?" He asked getting up.
"Not really. You?"
I got up and joined him to the door. When it opened it seemed like the world froze and the door moved painfully slow.
They found me.
The door opened to reveal the people I used to call me parents before they back stabbed me and sent me to die on a war-zone. Delarge looked at me just as confused as I was.
I felt a suden rush of adrenaline and a flash of memories that sent me against the wall behind us. How many were the times I wanted to shoot a bullet throught their heads during war because they sent me there?
"Rebecca, darling, we have been looking for you for months now! We thought you had died on the battlefield and that we would never see our precious little girl again!" The hideous woman shouted as she entered the house uninveted and wraped her arms around me. I couldn't speak. I wanted to, but the words wouldn't come out of me mouth.
"My girl! You have made me proud. Why don't you invite us to tea and tell us about war?" The tall and fat man said also stepping in and ignoring Delarge on the way.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Johnston." Delarge said on a half whisper. He seemed retracted as if he wanted to hide.
They both turned and looked at him with dispare.
"Alexander what are you doing here?" The satanic woman asked with an air of superiority. That was enough.
"What the bloody fuck are you two doing here?" I said angryly. Me hands turned into white knuckles. I didn't know how long I would be able to control meself. The coulpe turned to look at me.
"You are our daughter! We are here to take you home."
"You two lost the right to call me "your daughter" when you sent me to die at the hands of our war enemies. And you know what? I should have stayed dead to you because that is exactly what you are to me. Now you come inside my house against my will and ofend my fianceé? I don't think so. I want the both of you out of me sight before I have to take drastic measures." I said dominated by fury while pushing them out of the house.
"Fianceé?!" They both screamed in union.
I laughed sinicaly. Delarge joined my side and put his arm around my hips.
"You two haven't change a bit have you? I just moraly slapped, you assholes, and what you pay attention is that Alex here is going to be my husband?"
"You haven't changed niether, you little brat." The man proclaimed dramatically.
"Oh, sir, weren't you speaking just a moment ago about being proud of me? Funny isn't it? I was the one that was sent towards a change when you two were the ones that needed changing! You are ridiculous! You are the most selfish, ignorant, superficious fake, vain and uterly stupid people I have ever come across in my entire life. It still amazes me how long I took it before snapping out of your grips, you bitches. There were times during those five year that I was in absolute misery and the only thing I could think about was seeing your blood dripping from your throughts, because I would certainly rather see you dead than here talking to me." I smiled at their face. Man's was in total awe. Mouth opened and a suprise struck across his face. Woman was absolutly horrified. Tears comung out of her eyes and an undescrible expression on her face. Pathetic. "So scater now and go hide on the dump you live with the rats of your kind."
The woman turned to Delarge and pointed her finger at him.
"You did this to our little girl!" She screamed with tears falling from her eyes non stop.
"No, I did this to meself. Now I have three things you two never had and never will: happiness, love and success. Fuck you." I said closing the door. I opened it again remebering I wasn't done yet.
"Oh and if you even think of showing up at my wedding I will set fire to the church with you on it. If I ever see you on the street, I will pretend as if I don't know you and I advise you do the same. One day, when I have childeren I will tell them their grandparents are dead and six feet under the ground and I advise you tell your precious friends that your daughter died during war, because I know you would rather say that than show them who I am now. Now fucking leave and don't ever bother me again."
"You don't know what you are doing." The man said with rage in his eyes.
"Don't I? Because I am pretty sure I do. Or would you rather I torture you all the ways I imagined while killing Spanishes?"
"They did say that ultra-violence was toxic-"
"You two were toxic! Ultra-violence was real horror-show compared to you two. I became cold and vicious because when I needed you two the most you locked me up in an intitution saying that I was crazy when I was depressed! Then again when I could give you a bloody second chance you turned away and sent me to fucking war! Do you know how many people I've killed? Niether do I, because I lost count! Now you come here, you insulte me, you insulte the love of my life and you do what you did my entire life: you blame others! Oh it's not our fault it's her fault, not our fault his fault, not outr fault ultra-violence fault." I pulled down my sleeve so they could see the tatoo. "This is not the thing to blame. This, different from you two, saved my life. No go away, before this ends yours." I said finally closing the door.
I turned to Delarge to see his shocked face with a huge smile across his features.
"What was that?!" He asked almost laughing.
"I had a lot stuck that I had to get out."
"It was the absolute best roast I've ever seen. I didn't know you had it in you."
"Seriously? After all this time and you didn't know I had it in me?"
He hugged me pushing me closer to him.
"I find it extremely sexy."
"Oh do you?" I asked in my most attractive tone.
"Oh your voice makes me shiver." He said and kissed me. I bit his bottom lip and he only smiled at me.
"You know I never believed people actually had soul mates until I met you."
"I didn't believe I could be happy being in a steady relationship until I met you." He replied laughing a bit.
"I love you, Delarge."
"I love you more, Johnston."
"I'm sure you don't."
"And why is that?"
"Because you changed my life in ways I didn't think it could."
"And you changed my life and meself the same way."
"I guess we don't have a winner then?"
"Oh no I definetly love you more." He said kissing me and leading me to our room.

Hey everyoneeee!! Thank you so much for reading!!! I mean the fic has 2,21k reads!!!! That's insane!!! Thank you all sooooooo much for stiking with me!! I love this story so much! So thank you all once again!!! Bye 😀😘

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