~Chapter 5~ Just a normal day

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POV: Rose

It was morning and I had just woken up.
I was on my phone. I can't really remember what I was doing tho...

Around 06:00 I faced it. 'I have to get out of bed one day.' I told myself rolling out of my bed.

I did that everymorning so that I could actually wake up.
Usually i get off my bed cleanly and with no issue but something was on the floor and i hit my head really hard. It didn't bother me and i put on my clothes.

A pink dress with white croptop under it. A bit darker pink corset and my black heeles.

I just walked downstairs forgetting to brush my teeth but I don't care.

'Oh my god are you okay!?' Julia screamed at me as I walked in the room.
'What do you mean Jul?' I asked.
'Mikey, get a wet towel and some bandages please!' Julia yelled running to me.
'Your head! What happened?' She asked me.
Mikey handed her the towel and she put it on my forehead.

'What do you mean Julia?' I asked confused for why she put a towel on my head.

'Your forehead is bleeding so much, almost all your face is covered!' She said. She sounded worried.

'I just felt a bump on my head, it can't be that bad, right?' I asked Julia.
'Rose, this is the worst wound i've seen this year...' She said removing the towel.
'Alright Rose, I'm going to bandage your head. So don't move.' Julia said wraping the bandage around my head.
'How long those this need to stay on for?' I asked.
'Two weeks if your lucky.' Julia answered.

'Now explain what happened.' Julia said.
'Well I woke up, stayed on my phone and rolled out off my bed on the floor. Then I felt a thud. I'll check what it was.' I said standing up.
'Let's go.' Julia said grabbing my hand and walking with me.

When we entered my room I immideatly saw some blood on the carpet and a stone?

'What's that?' Julia asked walking towards it.
'I don't know.' I said, now walking towards Julia.

I picked it up.
'A sharp stone.' I said.
'Yeah no sh!t sherlock!' Julia said.
'My ears!' I said covering my ears.

We walked down stairs with the stone.

'Did you guys find anything?' Mikey asked.

Mikey felt like a friend and didn't use royale pronounces for us.

'Well, we found a sharp stone where I probably burst my head open with.' I said showing Mikey the stone.
'That's not a stone Rose...' Mikey said grabbing it.
'Then what is it?' Julia asked.
'That's a knife.' Mikey said worried.
'It's old and didn't get sharpened in a long time, your lucky Rose.' Mikey said.

'But how did it get there?' Julia askd Me.
'It was probably aunt.' I said. I didn't know for sure, but you really couldn't change my mind about that.

I grabbed my phone and showed them the video.
It was late at night and I didn't watch it in bed.

'It was aunt.' Julia said. She had excpected that but was still shocked. Like who tries to kill their niece!?

Me and Julia left the kitchen to go to our parents room.

'I'm calling the cops.' Mikey said.

POV: Mikey

I called the police and they where on their way. I had asked Rose to send the video to me and showed it to the cops.

They did an investigation and arrested Karen.
Clearly her husband haden't left her. She killed him and then ate some parts of him.
She did this to all her husbands...

She was disgusting.

POV: Rose

I watched aunt Karen get taken by the police and hugged Hans.
Yes he was to young to understand but to see this would be really traumatizing.
I held Hans tight.
He had his hands covering his ears and burried his face in my chest

Julia was in Miranda's room distracting Miranda.
Yes Miranda wasn't the nicest kid but I felt like Karen was pushing Miranda to do that.

I felt so bad.
But i couldn't do anything.
I couldn't even take care of myself.

I could help Hans but taking care of Miranda would be to much.

Now you might be wondering what i'm talking about.
My parents have a meeting with a kingdom close to ours and my brothers and sister need to come with. So me, Mikey, Hans, Miranda, the maids and butlers have to stay here.

But i don't think that the maids and butlers can really help.

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