~Chapter 20~ Why?

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A week after the kids their birthdays Rose decided to go.
You see, Rose was a gril, but bot a normal girl.
She had to make her sister smile.
And as Rose had died she became a mission angel.
They al have their own mission, and Roses mission was to make her sister happy again.
But now, she had completed her mission and it was her time to go.
Her family would come back today, so she could do it.
Now she had to.
She closed al the blinds and curtains and went outside locking the door after her.
Noone else was home except for those three.
So Rose climbed up the house.
Her hair letting lose and jumped.
After what felt like an hour she saw him.
'Andrew? What's wrong?' Rose asked.
'Look down.' Andrew said.
Rose looked down and saw her body getting put in an ambulance. With her sister close by. Julia was crying.
'I-' Rose couldn't really speak.
'It's okay. But we may have to send you back. To live your life there.' Andrew said pointing his hand at a book. The book flew towards him and he looked for a specific speel.
'I understand. But then I want everything in my old life there.' Rose said.

Rose got send back. And people called it a miracle,but we know what really happened.

~The end~

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