Part IV

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After months in Burial Mounds, Wangji came to understand that one doesn't need three thousand rules to tell right from wrong and be a decent human being. Their settlement had no restrictions whatsoever, yet everyone knew their roles and helped each other. His favourite parts were meals when they all came together in the common area. It was a time full of chatter and laughter, allowing them to forget their harsh surroundings.

One morning, Wangji was teaching A-Yuan how to write when someone wrapped their arms around his waist and gently kissed his neck.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying muttered by his ear. "Qing-Jie asked me to get some supplies from Yiling, and I've been wondering if you want to join me for a little date."

"What is date? Can A-Yuan have it too?"

Wuxian smiled and ruffled his hair. "It's when you want to spend time alone with someone you love."

Wen Yuan folded his arms and looked at them thoughtfully. "So, Xian-Gege loves Ji-Gege?"

"Yes, more than anything."

"More than spicy food?!"

"Yes, A-Yuan. Even more than spicy food," he replied, then looked into amber golden eyes and smiled. "I would be fine without spicy food, but I couldn't live without your Ji-Gege."

Wangji smiled back at him. Recently, Wei Ying seemed to be doing better. He was more relaxed, and his nightmares were less frequent. But most importantly, his soulmate started to smile more often. It wasn't the same radiant smile he saw at Xuanwu cave, but it was enough for now. Lan Zhan interlocked their fingers together, then kissed the back of Wei Ying's hand.

"But A-Yuan wants to go on a date with Xian-Gege too!"

His golden eyes sparkled mischievously as he pulled Wei Ying close and embraced him tightly. "He's mine, and you can't have him."

Wen Yuan puffed his cheeks, then grabbed Wei Ying's wide sleeve. "A-Yuan likes Xian-Gege! Ji-Gege needs to share!"

Wangji shook his head. "Not sharing."

"I'm going to tell Qing-Jie!" Wen Yuan shouted desperately and ran outside.

"Uh-oh, now you are in trouble," Wei Ying chirped, turning around and kissing him. "Shall we run away before, Jiejie scolds you?"


Wei Ying squinted his eyes, glaring at him. "You look way too smug about it."

Their date had been leaves crackling under their feet and watery sunshine struggling past heavy autumn clouds. Yet, neither of them minded. Their surroundings blurred, leaving only a person in front of them. Their fingers loosely entwined as they walked side by side to Yiling. They were content with their lives in Burial Mounds, but moments like this made it worth it. A few carefree hours stolen from their busy schedules. Moments where nothing mattered but them.

Suddenly, Wei Ying stopped and pulled him behind the large tree. Silver eyes sparkled with happiness while his lips formed a onesided cheeky smirk. His back comfortably leaned on the tree trunk. His heart raced in anticipation as he watched Wei Ying come closer. Slender fingers brushed over his lips, sending pleasant jolts of electricity. Then Wei Ying kissed him, and everything else disappeared, leaving only the soft tongue encircling his. A soft moan escaped his lips, inviting his partner to go further. Wei Ying's lips left a hot trail on his jawline before exploring the most sensitive parts of his neck. He could feel his knees growing soft when Wei Ying suddenly moved away and looked proudly at his work.

"If that's how our date starts, I can't wait to see how it ends," Wangji panted before grabbing the lapels of his coat and pulling him for another kiss.

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