Part II

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Since they separated, Lan Wangji couldn't get rid of this ominous feeling that he had made a mistake. He should have stayed with him and ensured that Wei Ying left Yunmeng Jiang safely. What if Madam Yu used Zidian on him again when he was weak after fever and a long march to Lotus Pier? Worried, he decided to search for him. Wangji was on his way to Xichen's room when the news arrived. Lotus Pier was burned by Wen Chao and his mistress. Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu were dead. Their children were missing, the same for the only person he cared about. His breath hitched, and he fell to his knees.

"Wei Ying...."

Lan Xichen rushed to him despite his injuries. "Wangji? What happened?"

He was gasping for breath and clutching his chest. "Wei Ying... where is... he?"

"There is no news about them, but it seems like they escaped Lotus Pier. I'm sure Young Master Wei will protect them."

Wangji glared at him with hatred. How could his brother assume it was Wei Ying's duty to protect them? Annoyed, Wangji pushed him away and rushed to collect his belongings.

"Wangji?" Xichen called after him, confused.

Lan Zhan felt guilty. This would never happen if he had stayed with Wei Ying. Why did he choose to listen to him and return to Gusu? How could he be so foolish? After all the abuse Wei Ying suffered at Lotus Pier, there was no way that bitch would let him leave. Wangji was sure she had guilt-tripped Wei Ying into staying and protecting her useless children. His fist smashed into the table, cracking it in half. His eyes filled with tears. "Please, come back to me, Wei Ying."

Without waiting for anyone's permission, Wangji left Gusu to search for his soulmate. Wei Ying promised to return. He had to be somewhere, and Lan Zhan would find him no matter the cost. The rumours led him to Yiling, but there was no trace of Wei Ying. Looming on the horizon, Burial Mounds sent a nasty shiver down his spine. Yet, he kept pushing forward.

He followed the path up the mountains. If Wei Ying looked for a place to hide in the wilderness, it would be here. Suddenly, his steps halted, and a painful gasp left his lips. 

A crimson red ribbon caught in the bushes fluttered in the wind above a dried puddle of blood

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A crimson red ribbon caught in the bushes fluttered in the wind above a dried puddle of blood. His heart stopped. Slowly his trembling fingers reached for it. When he was about to grab it, a strong gust sent it flying towards Burial Mounds.

"Second Master Lan, according to huntsmen Master Jiang and Master Wei, may have been in this area a few days ago," a disciple under his command reported.

Wangji ignored his words. He watched it disappear on the horizon while his shoulders trembled with silent sobs. Was it possible he lost it? Impossible. This ribbon was incredibly important to him. The only memento of his mother. "Wei Ying."

"We looked for them everywhere. Do you think they are already...?" the disciple trailed off, unsure how to phrase it.

The following weeks were marked by brutal bloodshed. Somewhere in the middle, Jiang Cheng resurfaced, but Wei Ying was still missing. Confronted about his whereabouts, newly appointed Sect Leader Jiang went as far as to blame Wei Ying for the destruction of Lotus Pier. Jiang Cheng laughed that at least his mother taught Wuxian a lesson when he wanted to leave the sect after all they did for him.

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