Part I

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The cave was dark, with very little natural light reflecting the pond's surface. Just enough for trapped cultivators to slowly make their way towards the underground tunnel. They didn't look back at the person in a faint glow of fire formation, focusing the monster's attention on themselves. Suddenly an arrow cut through the air and pierced his arm. Wei Wuxian winced in pain and staggered before falling to his knees. Blood from his wound trickled into the pond, enraging the giant tortoise. Wei Ying dodged the attack and ordered them to leave instead of creating problems.

Lan Wangji suppressed the urge to kill their foolish disciple and turned back. His eyebrows furrowed in concern while amber-golden eyes scanned the area around the pond. Unfortunately, black robes blended with their surroundings, and he could no longer spot him. Wangji limped closer, using walls for support to take the weight from his broken leg. The ceiling was crumbling down, but he wouldn't give up. Lan Zhan was determined to leave with Wei Ying or stay behind with him. There was no other option.

The burned mark on his chest was troublesome, but blood dripping from his arm aggravated the monster. It had a very keen sense of smell and quickly followed him everywhere. Wei Ying not only had to avoid its massive jaws but also rocks falling from the ceiling. He was exhausted and started to question himself. Why bother staying alive? To suffer her anger and Zidian? To let this torture continue? Besides one person, there was nothing in his life worth living for. Lan Zhan should be save outside by now. There was no reason for him to continue this fight. Maybe it was better to let go? With a ghostly smile, Wei Ying stopped.

He breathed a sigh of relief, seeing him alive when Wei Ying suddenly stopped. Wangji never had seen him like this. Fragile and empty, ready to die. Ignoring the pain, he jumped in front of his soulmate. Adorned with large and sharp teeth jaw, clasped on his broken leg. Wangji didn't even feel it. All that mattered to him was Wei Ying's safety.

His eyes widened in shock while his brain shifted into overdrive. "Lan Zhan!"

Wangji's body was nothing more than a helpless ragged doll in the jaws of a giant tortoise. It tossed him up in the air, ready to swallow him when at the last moment, someone grabbed him. Wei Ying used the momentum and landed at a safe distance, then pulled Wangji behind the large rock formation. His fingers gripped the white fabric, and his silver eyes looked at him angrily.

"What the hell were you thinking, Lan Zhan?! You could have died!"

The amber-golden eyes looked back at him with the same anger. "What were YOU thinking, Wei Ying?!" Wangji yelled at him, barely holding back tears. If he had been any slower, Wei Ying would have died. He couldn't understand why. Why did he give up?

Wei Wuxian looked away and let go of his robes. "We should find a safe place," he said quietly, supporting him.

First, he needed to find a relatively dry place for Lan Zhan to rest and care for his wounds. Luckily, he still had Mianmian's herb pouch. Wei Ying gently lowered him to the ground. He slid his outer robes and ripped part of his inner robes to use as bandages. Then looked inside the pink, girly bag. Few herbs could stop bleeding and detoxify. It should be enough to keep Wangji safe.

"I had no idea it would come in handy. We should thank her when we get out of here," he said, trying to sound cheerful.

He was worried about Lan Zhan. His handsome face was contorted in pain, with a few beads of sweat and dark circles underneath his eyes. Wei Ying could only imagine how much pain Wangji was in before walking on his broken leg. Now, his injuries were even worse because of him. It made him feel even worse. Useless brat causing problems for everyone.

Lan Wangji could not take his eyes off his perfectly chiselled chest. How will he survive here with Wei Ying being partially naked? He needed something to focus on before he ruined their friendship by losing control over his feelings. His eyes landed on the glowing red burn mark. It must have been painful, but Wei Ying acted like it didn't bother him. Wangji crumpled a few herbs and slapped them on Wei Ying's chest. His companion hissed in pain and looked at him questioningly.

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