"Camzi! Please!" Lauren said after she didn't get any response. "I miss you." She said. She was totally desperate because of the spider and her heart was frenetically beating because of it, but her heartbeat became even more rushed as she said those words to her Camila. She misses Camila, she misses their naive friendship, she misses being able to look at her for minutes without people going crazy about it. She misses her best friend. She misses her first, and secret, real love.

"Wh... what?" Camila asked.

"Camila just get in here." Lauren said.

"I don't t... I..." Camila stuttered, she was facing the bathroom door now to hear Lauren clearer. She was not very sure if that would be a good idea.

"Camila, please." Lauren begged.

Camila thought for another moment, but she couldn't hold herself.

"Ok." She said with her heart beating faster at the thought. She took her clothes off quickly and breathed in heavily before opening the bathroom door.

She opened and faced the shower glass blurry because of the steam and only saw Lauren's head under the water. Lauren was looking to the ceiling subtly and the spider didn't move when Camila slid the glass door open and stepped in.

"Hi..." Camila said timidly, staring at Lauren's eyes, but the girl was looking up.

"Hi." Lauren said and didn't look at Camila.

"What?" Camila asked confused, because Lauren was not looking at her and was seeming worried.

"There's a spider there." Lauren said and pointed to the thing. Camila turned her head to look where Lauren had just pointed to and she gave a jump when she saw the big spider less than two feet from them.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE, LAUREN!" Camila yelled with the scare of her new vision. She stepped backwards and passed under the hot jet of water before her body pressed together with Lauren's on one of the corners of the shower. Lauren with her back rested against the wall and Camila with hers against Lauren's chest. Nothing that they hadn't done before.

"I KNOW!" Lauren screamed, as terrified as Camila was now.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WE COULD HAVE CALLED SOMEONE!! OH MY GOD THAT THING IS HUGE!" Camila screamed frenetically and with no pause as she attempted to step back even more to distance herself from the spider, but that only made Lauren's wet body and hers to be the closest as possible.

"I'M NAKED, WE ARE NOT CALLING ANYONE!" Lauren screamed, only to join Camila's desperation because they were with their heads side by side and screaming was not necessary.

"NOW WE ARE BOTH NAKED AND STUCK IN THE SHOWER WITH A DAMN AUSTRALIAN SPIDER LOOKING AT US!" Camila screamed again, staring at the brown and hairy animal. The spider moved to the left side, getting closer to above the glass shower and Camila screamed frighteningly, turning her body to face Lauren's.

She had her arms wrapped around her own torso and was pressing her body on Lauren's, because she was absolutely terrified with the idea of having a spider jumping on her. Not that Lauren would change anything, but tell that to her brain which thinks Lauren can pass her the needed safety.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS WILL BE OUR DEATH SCENE!" Camila said, looking over her shoulder to see the spider still above to the glass door, on the ceiling.
"OH MY GOD! PEOPLE WILL KNO... THINK CAMREN IS REAL!" Camila screamed and looked at Lauren this time, bringing her hand over her mouth. Lauren was with her gaze fixed on the spider all the time, but she diverted it to look into Camila's eyes and shook her head.

"SHUT UP CAMILA, WE NEED TO KILL IT!" She said loudly on Camila's face.

"FUCKING HOW LAUREN?! THE THING IS ON THE CEILING AND WE ONLY HAVE SHAMPOO BOTTLES AND A SOUP!" Camila screamed on her face, their eyes meeting and Camila having to stay on the tip of her toes to align their stares because of their height difference. Her hands were now on each side of Lauren's body, her palms rested against the wall to give her balance.

Camren One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now