Chapter 23

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Even after everyone agreed to go along with Jason's plan, Percy still doubted him. And that angered him a bit.

But he didn't let it get to him. He had to save both camps from one another.

He didn't have much time to think up a strategy. But then again, Over the past week Jason hadn't had time to think much of anything in the beginning.

"So what's the plan?" Leo asked. Jason chewed on the inside of his cheek. "Not sure yet...." He admitted.

Percy sighed and walked off to grab a bottle of water. Annabeth gave Jason a hopeful look before following Percy.

"Can't we just... Not fight and go home?" Piper sighed.

"That won't do nothing. That'll just be worst. Reyna would have no one to help with camp and the campers will be furious and puzzled to what's going on" Jason argued.

Piper frowned at the name of Reyna and bit the inside of her lower lip.

"Just forget them. They aren't even your camp anymore. Why stress over them?" Piper asked. Hugging his arm softly. Jason ended up moving away slightly and looking down at her a bit surprised with her words.

"I can't just leave them. Besides. That camp was my home first." Jason added.

Piper sighed and backed away a bit. "Fine. Whatever. Just fix this." Piper said irritatedly. Her attitude changing quickly.

"I'm trying." Jason whined. Running a hand through his dirty hair. He then wiped his hands on his pants.

"Dude... You're gross." Leo laughed after watching him. Jason forced a Chuckle.

Why did piper seem so angry and annoyed with him so suddenly? He was just trying to do the right thing.

"Man.... Maybe we should just call it a day. You're probably tired, and who knows, maybe some rest will help you think better." Leo suggested.

Jason nodded softly. "Yeah. Maybe."

Leo nodded. "I'll go let the others know you're staying." Jason nodded and smiled thankfully.

He was thankful to have at least one friend treating him kindly.

Everyone sort of acted oddly at dinner.

Watching Jason as if he were some sort of animal. Unable to be trusted or unarmed.

Somehow. This was worst than being held hostage by the Romans.

"So..." Percy began.

Jason groaned silently. It was obvious this guy didn't really like him.

"Why didn't you just fly home after we left you?" Percy asked.

Jason looked up at him as if it were some joke. "Uh. I don't know. Maybe because I was being held captive. Why did you just leave me?" He asked.

Percy raised his eyebrows a bit and shrugged. "Why did you separate from us in the first place." He questioned.

"You guys..." Hazel whimpered softly. Jason Made a small fist but then forced himself to calm down. "Sorry." He mumbled towards hazel.

"For what?" Percy asked. "I wasn't apologizing to you." Jason signed and set down his fork. "This is.... Ridiculous. I feel like I'm on trial. Can't I just eat with friends and not be pounced on after being left behind?" He asked. His temper raising a bit.

The table went silent and everyone glanced at him a bit.

Jason shook his head and pushed his seat back. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled and lifted himself from his seat. Standing up sheepishly and avoiding contact. "I'm just... Gonna head to bed early I guess." He announced.

No one made comment but piper nodded understandingly.

"Okay. Goodnight man." Leo said. Breaking the silence. Jason nodded and walked away from the table.

He could hear Annabeth getting mad at Percy quietly. Percy argued something back but he didn't listen.

Jason was stressing out and he hated it.

He walked down the hall to his room and opened the door quietly. As if he didn't want to intrude anyone that was inside.

But the room was as empty as empty gets. He closed the door carefully and went straight to his closet. Grabbing a change of clothes and decided to show.

Even after his shower he assumed he would feel at least a little better. But he felt the same.

He went over to his bed and laid on his back. He could hear the others talking loudly and sounding like they enjoyed their time.

Jason felt lonely. And out of place. Maybe he didn't belong with the Greeks.

If he didn't belong with them, and he didn't belong with the Romans. Then who did he belong with?

The question haunted him more that he had intended it too.

He shook his head softly and turned to his side. His back facing the door and whoever came in. If anyone did at all in the first place.

He sighed heavily and covered up in the blankets. Sleep calling him but his thoughts keeping him awake. It was still pretty early, but he was to drained to care. Soon, sleep began to call louder for him, and instead of ignoring it. He followed it and fell asleep moments later.

Forget me not. (Jeyna fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now