Chapter 77: Ghost's Bride (End)

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[ The traps that he left here are practically ineffective because they don't have his power as supplement. If this wasn't the case, even if you got good fortune using me, you wouldn't have been able to enter so easily. ]

[ Something must have happened to him or he may have died. Otherwise he wouldn't leave this place unattended for so long. ]

[ This place is his everything. It is just as important as his life. If it isn't because he is trapped somewhere or dead, I can't think of another reason for him to abandon all the good fortune that he had accumulated. ]

It would be good if that bastard really is dead. 

I hope he died really miserably, so miserable that his body is incomplete and completely mutilated.......

Cheng Zhi Chu harshly cursed at Mr. Mu. He used all the swear words that he knew to curse at Mr. Mu. At this moment, they had reached the end of the tunnel.

[ We're here. ]

The coin reminded him. The bear also let out a small cry of acknowledgement.

Cheng Zhi Chu looked up and assessed the space in front of him. Before him was a black stone door carved with complex patterns. It was tightly shut. But even if this was the case, the thick rancid smell coming from behind the door couldn't be concealed.

Doing his best to ignore the bear's saliva, Cheng Zhi Chu picked up the coin and threw it again to get good fortune.

The groom allowed Cheng Zhi Chu to take a few steps back before putting his hand against the black door. Very slowly, he pushed the heavy stone door open.


The scene reflected in Cheng Zhi Chu's eyes was both gloomy and strange. He couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

They were clearly underground but what appeared before him was as a dark and gloomy sky. Below that was boundless earth that joined together with the sky in the far distance to form the horizon.

The ground was dark soil from which many strange looking and twisted trees grew from. The trees were tangled, and the branches were bare with not a single leaf on it. The bark of the trees was pure black and seemed to have a distorted face on it. It was as if it was morphed together with a dead body. 

With the face covered in black, it was extremely terrifying.

A group of crows flew over. They landed on the branches and let out unpleasant caws.

The air was filled with a suffocating stench. Scattered across the ground were numerous bodies. Some had already rotted into pale white bones while others appeared to have died not to long ago revealing red flesh and fluids. Maggots drilled in and out of their flesh.

In addition to these unburied corpses, there were also an ocean of tombstones. Each of them was a small hill with a simple wooden sign displayed before it. A few were so flat, it could barely be called a grave.

From far away, several deformed figures slowly moved and disappeared in the horizon as if they were swallowed by the sky.

It took a long time for Cheng Zhi Chu to return to his senses after being shocked by this hellish scene before him. He immediately shuddered

He couldn't imagine how many people had died here and whether they were all killed by Mr. Mu.

【This is a mass grave.】

I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games by 啾咪啾咪兔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu