Chapter 28 Ultimate Moves!!

Start from the beginning

"The Training Camp was interrupted, but the practice you did get in to develop your Quirks was part of the process needed to create these defining abilities." Aizawa clarifies as Cementoss creates a huge terrain, while Ectoplasm creates several clones of himself.

"Now that you're caught up you'll be working hard to develop powerful moves of your own for the next ten days or so. This is how you will spend the remainder of your Summer Vacation. Prepare for intensive training. In addition, you should think about how you can improve your costumes, especially now that you have a better understanding of your Quirks. I expect each of you to go Plus Ultra. Do you have it in you?" Aizawa questions.

"Yes sir!" we all chorus.

"I am so charged up for this." Denki states causing me to put on serious expression. "I have a lot of moves, but do any of them count as Ultimate's?" I wonder as I then glance over to see Midoriya staring at his hand.

(To Ojiro)

Rushing towards his clone of Ectoplasm, Ojiro begins trying to kick and attack him using his tail. However, Ectoplasm dodges everyone of Ojiro's advances and kicks him in the face causing Ojiro to fall tot he ground.

"It's obvious you're relying too much on your tail. Let's re-examine the basics of how you fight." Ectoplasm points out.

"Yes, sir!" Ojiro declares, but then looks away with tears forming.

(To Mina)

"Ultimate Move. Shooting acid from my hands. Super Geyser!" Mina calls out as she looks like she's trying to do the Kamehameha, but her acid doesn't go very far.

"Whaddaya think?" Mina asks turning to her Ectoplasm clone.

"If you're going to go that route, make a nozzle with your fingers to increase aim and reach." Ectoplasm answers causing Mina to do exactly as he instructs.

"Yes, like that. Go." Ectoplasm instructs causing Mina to use her Quirk and the acid now shoots like a geyser.

"Oh, crap! I'm totally awesome!" Mina chirps.

"Now let's focus on increasing the potency of your acid." Ectoplasm insists.

(To Momo)

"Two creations at the same time. You may start with something simple." Ectoplasm instructs.

"Yes sir!" Mojo states as she closes her eyes, while breathing in she quickly brings her arms down as two poles out sticking out of them.

(To me)

Deku and I were standing beside each other on the ground starring up at all the Quirks going off at the same time. "This isn't good, I feel as if I'm already falling behind..." I think as I then feel something causing me to bend down, but then hear a groan causing me to look over to see an Ectoplasm clone kicked Deku in the head.

"Nice reflexes, but you shouldn't stare off into space." A voice rings out from the other side of me, so I turn only to see another Ectoplasm clone standing there.

"Sorry, it's just I have no idea what to do... For an Ultimate Move. I mean, I was told it wouldn't be a good idea to use my legs in battle and that's what I've been used to using. I was doing it on purpose as to not copy my Dad's style too much" I inform putting on a slightly nervous expression.

"Hm. It's true that your Quirk is interesting and is a lot like All might, but not at the same time. Not exactly one that we'd call consistent. If you don't have a fixed attack style yet, then let's focus on developing your power." Ectoplasm insists.

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