Catch me if you can...Mr.Heizou(Heizou x reader)

Start from the beginning

"Oh.. ok, sure, tea is in the upper cabinet."

"Thanks."you heard him opening few cabinets, you knew exactly why but you cpuldn't react, after all, everything he hoped to find was uner your bed.

You continued to read through files, you weren't that dumb not to notice he showed you you're a suspect too.
Luckily this wasn't first time you were almost cought. Cyno was also suspecting you while you were supposed to deliver some capsules to Alhaitham.

You managed to find some little things that would clear you from suspition in his eyes and marked them in purple, while his markings were im red.

"I made you some tea too." Heizou said coming back from kitchen, he seemed more light hearted then before.

"Great! And I also found some things here. Look..." You pointed your finger to few dots in files, you circled few things from when you would steal and from when your double would.

Heizou seemed deep in thought. His hands on his chin as he was leaning on your bed for support. His green eyes looked serious.

"What are you thinking about?" You asked looking at him for any change of behavior.

"I just... feel like we're so close to catching the criminal. But there's tjis one thing that keeps us away from realising who it is, and I can't figure out what that thing is, and that frustrates me..." He said hifing his face in his hands, hed fully lying on your bed.

"Hey.. don't push yourself too hard, that's not healthy you know.."

"Yeah,yeah.. I know..."

Few minutes passed until you realised Heizou had fallen asleep. Or did he? You decided to lay down in your bed, putting files away, and happily welcomed your dreams to come.

Next morning Heizou had woken up first and seeing as you didn't try to do anythimg while he was fake sleeping he totaly cleared your name from suspition in his mind.

Hw decided to make a breakfast for you and also make some tea. When you woke up you already felt much better and were able to get up from bed.

You walked to kitchen to see Heizou making breakfast. "Nice to see you feel at home here, hahaha." You said teasingly as he turned away, his ears a shade of red.

"Well I couldn't know if you'd be able to make breakfast for yourself..." he said and you chuckeled and leaned on the wall still watching him.

"You know... because of those files ypu brought, I had a really interesting dream.."

"Oh really now? What was it about?"

"We foumd the criminal, and it was some really handsome dude that kept cracking not so funny jokes, and tried to tie me up and take me too. But you saved me by using those super cool martial arts you know. Haha."

"Oh hahah, what a funny dream..." Heizou said, not wanting to look at you, his face was probably as red as  tomato by now.  Probably not only because of fact you dreamed of him saving you, but also because he felt jelous.. about a guy you dreamed about too.

He knew that was really stupid since he really wasn't suppose to have those feelings for you, yet there he was.
It's been few days since you were sick and you already felt better, but now there was another thing buging you. You recived a letter from Dori saying you could return to Sumeru and that she had a surprise for you.

You really wanted to go to Sumeru again, but there was something, or rather someond backing you on this thought. Heizou. You can't deny you warmed up to him, the way he was desperately trying to find you and how he almost cought you few times. You admired everything he did. You wanted to see how all of this would play out at the end.

You were in your room thinking about what you should do. Go back and forget everything about Inazuma, or stay and risk geting exposed sooner or later. Then you got an idea. Best way to say good bye to Heizou in way of best thief in Inazuma and Sumeru.

You cut little lock of your hair and tied it up with one of ribbons you stole some other day. Then you took a small peace of paper and wrote a message wich was only one sentance. You packed your things and left the house, only stopping at police station to sneak into Heizous office to leave letter at his desk.

You came just in time as you saw a boat with Doris signature on it. You soon left Inazuma and were on your way back to Sumeru.
Heizou came to his office next morning and was surprised to see envelope on his desk, one he didn't recognise. He carefuly opened it and his eyes widened when he recognused a lock of your hair and one of expensive ribbons that was stolen other day. He looked towards paper to the letters that only said this..

Catch me if you can

He then gave a little smile as his eyes sparkled.

'So it really was you... Fine then I accept, see you soon.. Y/n.'

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