Catch me if you can...Mr.Heizou(Heizou x reader)

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Weebs will probably know this line. Guess who finnaly finished Moriarty the Patriot and well... got really inspired.

Y/n was one of few really skillful criminals, and she stole from few nations already, her greatest success being in Sumeru, stealing knowlage capsules for Dori.

She would get nice tip for every capsule so she didn't complain. But soon there were more delers of canned knowlage so Dori stopped selling them. But since Y/n had helped her so much she gave her nice sum of Mora to run somewhere new. And Y/n chose Inazuma.

She's only been in Inazuma for about 2 or 3 weeks, but Y/n already found her source of Mora. Stealing for few local gamblers was easy. She was always cautious enough not to reveal her face, voice or her real name. That's how she survived so long.

And since she left Sumeru she had few really good and pricey knowladge capsules she didn't give Dori. She decided to keep them for now and sell theme if there come to be and urgent situations.
She knew one of Inazumas best detectives was on her track so she decided to test just how sharp he is.

She stole few clothes from one or Tenriou commissions soliders and went to station.

"Hey there, you new here? I don't reslly remember seeing you before."  A cheerful voice came behind her, shw knew exactly who he was.

"Well, kind of.. I'm part of Tenriou commission for around a month but I used to be in another base.My name is Y/n."  You don't know why exactly you gave him your real name, but you felt it would be harder for him to separate your lies from truth if you were honest with some things.

"Nice so meet you! I'm Shikanoin Heizou! On your command!" He bowed playfully as I chuckled.

"Oh, I was actually just looking for you. General Kujou Sara asked me to assist you with some criminal who steals things for local gamblers."

"Oh I see, great! I haven't have a partner in a while haha!"

And that's how your double life started. You knew it would be hard, but not that hard.

At some days you even needed to hire someone who would act as your double to make it look real when you both had to chase yourself.
"Aaahcoo!"  'oh no' You were sick, and if Heizou finds out.. This can't be good...

"Hey there partner, bless you! I think you should take few days off. We don't want your cold getting worse now do we?" He said in his iconic cheerfull voice.

"Oh..  ok, you sure you can catch criminal without me?" I said teasingly.

"Hahaha I'll manage. Now go home and get some rest."

I did as he said and went home to get some rest. But before that I left letter fir person that's been acting as my double on usual spot. Saying they will need to be me once again for a few days.

I was sleeping in my bed and I already felt a bit better, it was around 11 pm and I heard a knock on my door along with "Hey Y/n~ you still up? " Heizou.

At least I didn't have to be that alerted. "Yeah.. come in." He opened a door with a smile, he was holding a file of papers. You recognised those files. It seemed he can't catch you without you, oh the irony.

"If you're feeling better, I found some interesting details here and thought you wanted to take a look."

You got up from bed to look at files. "Thanks,do you want some tea?"

"If you feel capable of making one, though I can make it myself with your permission." You weren't that dumb you already read some of what he circled in files, you knew you weren't clear of suspition and if you don't let him look through you kitchen his suspition would rise.

Genshin impact x reader {One shots}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu