《 Lazy afternoon naps / waking each other up 》

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⚠️ Including Tom, Arthur, John, Finn and Michael ⚠️


Lazy Afternoon Naps:
On the rare occasion where he was home in the afternoon or he had a day off reserved just for you or work was slow, he would love to be cuddled by your side which also resulted in naps. You would love it just as much as him, as he was usually gone early or arrived late to bed. So being able to hold one another in the arms was a treat for the both of you. Sometimes you would fall asleep in the living room on the couch with you being the big spoon, listening to quiet classical music in the background or reading him one of your favorite stories. Your fingers would card through his dark locks as he relaxed fully against you. Sometimes you would get distracted by pressing little pecks to his forehead or having a heated make out session. He would always sleep good during those naps because he was with his favorite person.

Wake each other up:
On the rare occasion, Tommy slept in, you would wake him up with small whispers and kisses to his chest. Other mornings, you would bring him up a hot tea. Having tea in bed enjoying the stillness of the morning together before the day started.


Lazy Afternoon Naps:
Arthur loved taking naps. He had no problem falling asleep anywhere or to anything. So on Sunday afternoons, right after a simple lunch, you two would cuddle on the couch. He would tell you story after story until you both fell asleep. Mostly funny ones, but every once in a while he would tell a serious one about a time in his childhood, war, or even one of his deepest fears. You would listen lovingly and squeeze his hands tight, as you laid between his legs. You would grow to love those afternoons the most, falling more in love with him and he would love that you would bring him comfort in those moments.

Wake each other up:
He would wake you up with fresh pastries from the bakery. You would enjoy them with a fresh cup of tea and reading from the morning paper, while going over your agendas for the day. He would always kiss you good morning and goodbye right before he left for work.


Lazy Afternoon Naps:
With as many kids as you and John had, it was hard finding a time to nap together, if at all. Every once in a while, on a rainy day or family movie day, you two would manage to get a lazy nap in together. He would be the big spoon and hold your head against his chest, chin resting on the top of your head. His soft fingers would rub your back soothingly as you listened to his beating heart.

Wake each other up:
He'd wake you up with a fresh cup of tea he made, in your favorite way and a sweet kiss on the lips. He would let you rest in bed a little longer than usual while the kids were occupied with breakfast. On the mornings where John wasn't able to be there, he would always leave you a note telling you how much he loved you, how good a mum you were, and how he'd spoil you when he returned.


Lazy Afternoon Naps:
Naps would happen fairly often between the two of you. After an afternoon playing games and eating snacks, you would cuddle on the couch and ask one another questions about every and anything. Sharing stories, talking about adventure, or the latest record you both listened to. You two would laugh together most often then not. He would let you hold him in your arms as you played with his hair. It was in those afternoons that your young love would blossom and neither would be happier without the other.

Wake each other up:
You would usually wake him just by being awake yourself, no matter how quiet you were, as he was a light sleeper. You would always apologize, but he would let it go most of the time. He would hear you singing in the kitchen while you cooked the two of you toast and eggs for breakfast. He would come up behind you while you cooked, holding you or would sit at the table with a small blanket wrapped around him, waiting for breakfast, as you sang away.


Lazy Afternoon Naps:
You would enjoy taking naps more than Michael did. He would indulge you every once in a while, often during the winter time. He loved being next to you and the feeling of holding you in his arms. He would enjoy reading to you or would listen to you tell stories about your childhood or the fun times you had with friends. He would enjoy listening to your voice as your spoke, painting the picture in his mind.

Wake each other up:
He was not a morning person at all. You would always have to coax him out of bed with pressing small kisses around his face, whispering his name to him. Some mornings he would kiss you until you were both breathless and lips swollen, until he felt he was ready to start the day. You would have a cup of coffee for him on his nightstand.

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