《 How they deal with jealousy 》

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⚠️ Including Tom, Arthur, John and Finn ⚠️


Tommy was walking into the garrison quiet, cold and emotionless. Your his fire burning through his icey barrier with your touch. You managed to burden his every action despite it nearly killing you or him.

You sat down by the old bar stool as the men behind you chirped with delight. "Mr Shelby" you perked up, lips curling like a cat.

Thomas saw you at the front pushing his way around the drunkards. You slightly curl your hair with your finger. "Anything on the agenda today Mr Shelby" your smile was the only thing that made him sane.

Tommy sat down "no...not really" he was quiet. You perk your lips more leaning in to smooch his cheek. "Don't worry Tommy I'll be fine I swear. You don't have to protect me all the time". You reassured him as he places his hands over yours. "There's men out there that aren't nice like the rest of us".

You continued to smile "yes I know Tommy but I can truly handle it". He didn't know why you smiled, this place was depressing. The amount of times he nearly died and yet you continued to smile.

A gruff looking man came over sitting next to you. He was taller, black hair and had a masculine stature. "Oi love you from anywhere".

Tommy was giving him the icey glare that scares a lot of people off. "Actually London" as he smiles. "Baha! Your a poshy then, why is a pretty girl like you in a hell hole like this".

The man looks into your eyes as you smile arwkardly. Tommy was not amused he didn't like it when things take what's his. "Come on I'll take ya round back for a shag" Tommy swiftly points his gun at him.

"If I ever see you touchin Y/N again I'll deal with you myself" His eyes grow into a white fury. "You'll never be heard from again" He sits back down.

The man took a toll and ran for it, scampering along the dirty floor. "Tommy were you jealous ?" You chuckled slightly.

"I'll make it simple no one messes with what's mine" He lights a ciggerate. "They don't mess with Thomas Shelby" He whispers in a husk. Smoke flew from his mouth into the musky air.

You reached for his cheeks kissing him in one fluid movement. "I love you Thomas Shelby I always will" You smiled.


You were at the garrison wiping up the spilt beer. You had no intention of grabbing any drinks since Arthur brings it home. A man with a rough stature walks up to you.

"Oi love you got a boyfriend or something" He grins with a toothy smile. "No sorry I'm not interested" you were ignoring the man. You had Arthur someone who protected you through and through.

You were loyal to that man "I have no interest". He comes up caressing your cheek as you try to push him off.

Without warning he tried to kiss you "Oi no-". Arthur was sitting by the window having a smoke. He saw the scene unfold "Oi what do ya think your fookin doin". Arthur shouts from the other side.

You ran off behind Arthur cowering. "Get the fook outta my bar" He points to the door. The man sneers "What, are ya a Shelby or something ?" As Arthur sneers.

"That's right I'm a fookin Shelby" He grabs the man with one pull. He bashed the man's head over the counter beating him senseless. Arthur punched him over and over again.

You run over to him pulling him back "Arthur stop remember what happened last time". He looks back letting the man go throwing him to the curb.

"If I ever see your fookin face round ere again I'll shoot it off" He goes back inside. Arthur was really mad and you were the only person that could calm it.

You run up to him in the garrison kissing his cheek. "Your a bloody brute I love that about you" He breaths heavily. "That's because I am love" He takes out a cigar inhaling it.


You and John were walking outside the garrison. You wore that white dress and John wore his expensive suit. "Tommy seems to be taking a liking to ya" He laughs.

You perk up your lips "That's because I charmed him" He shakes his head. "You mean you bribed him" He messes up your hair.

You laughed as John holds onto you. "Ah Y/N I love ya" that was until a bloke leaned against the door way.

"Where's you headin off to little lady" You sneered. "Sod off peacock I'm not a prostitute" You start to get annoyed.

He walks forward as John keeps a hand on his cap. "So shes your shag eh ? How about mine". John ended up grabbing his arm "Oi leave er' alone".

The man laughs "C'mon beautiful let's leave-" Before he was punched. "She said no you fooker" You wrap your arm around him.

"John it's not worth it he's only a drunk bloke he didn't mean any harm" you begged him. You weren't in the mood to attend injuries today.

"Yeah alright Y/N I don't feel like startin something that I'm not needed in" He walks off. You walk with him in your flapper outfit as John turned back. "Mate you ever come near my girl again I'll kill ya".

You and John head off to Tommy's party after that.


You were over at Tommy's manor for a party. You sat down with all his family as you waited for finn to arrive. Wearing a flapper dress with heels you tapped your leg.

John came by smirking "Ol Finn is late again huh annoyin ain't it". He sits right next to you "Yeah I've been waiting for a while". John winks "You know your dress ain't bad quite beautiful innit".

You ignore him waiting for your husband. "C'mon I can take you somewhere fun" As he leans an arm around you.

Finn comes out of the car quickly rushing to the manor. He wasn't expecting quite the surprise. You were leaning against the couch as John had his arm around you.

"Dont worry love he'll be ere soon" he was smirking at you. He brushed his palm against your cheek "If he don't I'll take care of ya".

Finn bursts into the room pointing furiously at his brother. "Get your fookin arms off" He shouts as John quickly gets off the couch. "Finn I wasn't bloody doing anything" He held his hands in the air.

"You can shag any other girl but y/n is mine sod off" As John walks out confused. "You alright y/n" He holds you around your waist.

"Yeah I am" You kiss him while touching his cheek.

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