Chapter 1

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             My legs were moving as fast as they could, pumping with adrenaline and fear. My heart was racing, and I was panting as Iran without looking back. The shadow lurking behind me was ever-present, and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread. The darkness enveloped everything, making it impossible to see anything. But I didn't let that stop me. I kept on running, my mind focused on nothing but escape. In that particular moment, despite the sharp, unbearable pain and the feeling of piercing stings in my legs, I pushed forward, refusing to let the obstacles in my path bring me down. As I stumbled and braced myself against a jagged rock, my hand began to bleed, but I didn't let the wounds distract me from my goal. Life was precious, and I knew that every moment counted. I was determined to make it through, no matter what lay ahead, and I refused to let anything stand in my way. Suddenly I stopped, it was right in front of me or should I say he. I couldn't see his other features, but one thing stood out, his eyes.

They were unlike any other, aquamarine blue, with specks of green surrounding those deep dark abysses he called irises, and they were glowing. It was the only light in the dark place and for a moment I felt at ease, a sudden calmness was in the air as everything went still, the chaos and panic I felt just seconds ago vanished with no traces of ever existing, we were surrounded by faint dim lights, but they were too far to have been of use.

Before I knew it, I was drowning, my mind was still trying to process what had happened as I tried to swim but it felt like something was pulling me deeper into the sea. I tried to kick but it was of no use, there was nothing to grab onto. I wanted to shout for help but if I did, I would lose the last air in my lungs, it didn't even matter, no one would hear me. The force that was dragging me had succeeded as it was now pulling me further into the dark depths of the sea.

I had read in books that at the moment of your untimely death, the life you lived flashes before your very eyes but mine was blank, I didn't see anything just darkness and the small air bubbles escaping through my nose. Although I was on the brink of death, I found it very odd that it hadn't happened to me, I might have been young but up until this moment I had lived a happy life, I had friends and family, I remembered some of our good memories and it managed to bring a smile to my face in my darkest moment. My consciousness was slowly fading when I heard a sound, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me in my final seconds of life but then I heard it again and this time it was even louder.
I bolted up in bed completely drenched from top to bottom like I'd been in the sea, my heart was beating rapidly and I could still feel the adrenaline rush through my veins. The shock was still quite evident on my face when I finally noticed someone was speaking to me "Are you alright your Highness" Marina asked looking at me with a worried expression on her face. I looked around frantically, I was back in my room in the palace, how was it possible, I pulled aside my blanket and my feet were fine, no blisters or cuts, not even scars, my arms were the same, clear of any gashes as I had earlier, I was fine, and I was alive. Feeling overwhelmed with joy, I hugged Marina, she was taken aback but still managed to hug me back "What happened Your Highness?" I'm alive I wanted to say but shouldn't I be, the thought that I almost died a dream brought tears to my eyes both of joy and sorrow, I almost lost everything again.

Marina had been my mother's maid for a long time, even before I was born. After my mother's demise, she continued to look after me and became like the big sister I had never had, as I was an only child, someone I could freely talk to, someone to seek advice from about ladylike things since she was basically the only female figure I was close with in the palace. Although it was her job, she always did what I wanted with a smile and without any complaints. I enjoyed talking to her, but my father warned me not to be too friendly with the staff, as they might see it as a sign of weakness and disrespect me. As a future queen, he said, I must not show any weakness in front of anyone, especially if they weren't family, for me Marina was an exception as I already considered her family.
"Your Highness? Your Highness" Marina kept calling trying to wake me from my daze. I blinked a few times after realizing that I was being asked a question "Um yes, yes I'm fine.... I'm fine" I mumbled the last part to myself. I cleared my throat and lifted away the tear that threatened to slip. I slid off my bed already fully immersing myself in thought. The dream felt incredibly real. I experienced genuine pain and the sensation of drowning. When I looked down at my clothes, they were still drenched. I wondered if sorcery was involved, although it wasn't very common in our kingdom. I couldn't imagine who would want to kill me, as I had very few enemies and none of them possessed the power or means to do so. My father never allowed me to deal with dangerous criminals. Additionally, I couldn't identify the person who appeared in my dream. I wasn't even certain if the figure was male or female, I just had a feeling it was the former. To add to my confusion, Marina had nothing to say about the matter. I had to find out what happened, but I needed to be careful. It would be even harder to find the culprit after having my eighteenth birthday party the previous day.  

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