"She had a license plate embedded into her hip... you can only do so much to try cleaning the area, Tim. No one blames you-"

"He does," Harry muttered, looking over at his friend. "But he's right. You can't blame yourself, Tim. Just get her started on an intravenous antibiotic before the infection spreads deeper and she goes into septic shock..." Tim nodded quickly before hurrying out of the room.

"What's septic shock?" Luke whispered, standing quietly behind Harry.

"Sepsis is a condition in which the body reacts poorly to an infection. The body essentially starts shutting itself down to kill the infection. Septic shock is when the body officially starts shutting down and the blood pressure drops so low that her organs will start failing." Luke sucked in a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.

"Shit," he muttered softly. Emma let out a soft whimper as her grip tightened suddenly around Harry's. He stood up quickly and leaned over the bed, brushing his thumb gently over the girls cheek.

"You're okay, baby," he shushed her lightly. "You're okay." Thomas sighed softly as he read her vitals off of the machine.

"Her blood pressure's already dropping..." he said. "I'll get her started on Vasopressors. Dylan, can you draw some blood please? Get it to the lab. We need to double check the infection." Dylan nodded swiftly in response as the blond doctor hurried out of the room. Dylan took in a deep breath and looked down at his friend sadly. He quickly drew her blood and hurried out of the room, leaving the two men alone with Emma. Luke sighed and sat on the other side of the bed. Harry stared sadly at his girlfriend before glancing up at Luke.

"She's going to be okay... right?" Luke whispered.

"I don't know..." Harry admitted softly. "God, I hope so." Luke sighed softly and ran a hand through his messy curls.

"I can go if you want," Luke said softly. "Give you two some time alone-"

"No," Harry said, looking up at the boy desperately. "You're the best thing for her right now... you know exactly how she feels. You woke up like this only a year ago." Luke nodded softly in response.

"That's true..."

"And honestly, I don't... I don't want to be alone. I can't do this alone..." Harry looked back at his girlfriend, feeling the pang of sadness reverberate in his heart. She looked so weak. So confused. So close to death. And he still blamed himself.

Emma let out another pained groan as her grip tightened around Harry's hand.

"Can you call Henry?" Harry asked softly. "Let him know that she's waking up." Luke nodded in response as Harry pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened a contact, handing the phone to his new friend. Luke walked out of the room and Harry ran a hand through his hair. "You're okay love," he whispered, kissing her cheek. "You're okay."

Emma's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as a tear slipped down her cheek. She let out another soft groan as her eyes fluttered open suddenly.

"Emma?" Harry asked, leaning over her suddenly. "Love?" Her eyes fell back closed as her breathing became rapid. "Baby?" Her hazel eyes opened once again, and she stared at Harry, a soft look of confusion set on her face. Harry felt sudden anxiety burst in his chest, realizing the possibility of her forgetting him. "Em?" He asked, brushing his thumb affectionately over her cheek.

"H-Harry?" She muttered. A sudden breath of relief escaped his lips and he planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "W-what's going on?" She asked. Her voice was hoarse and quiet.

"You were in an accident," he said softly. "Y-you were hit by a car..." Luke came back into the room and stopped at the door, feeling a breath of relief escape his lips.

"W-where are my brothers?" She muttered, resting her eyes.

"Henry's on his way," Luke said softly, taking his place on the other side of the bed. She looked over at him, feeling her brows furrow in confusion once again as she stared at the blond boy.

"Where's Elliott?" Harry and Luke exchanged an awkward glance, dread setting in their guts. "Oh..." she muttered, looking back at the ceiling. "Right... I remember now..." she shivered lightly as Harry tucked her blanket around her. "He died..."

"I know... I'm sorry love," Harry said, kissing her forehead. She groaned again and grabbed Harry's arm.

"W-what happened?" Harry bit his lip and looked up at Luke.

"Y-you were hit by a car, remember?" She shook her head as Luke stood up and grabbed a washcloth from the sink, wetting it down and pressing it against her sweaty forehead.

"W-where am I?"

"The hospital, love. You're in the hospital?"

"Why?" She asked, closing her eyes again.

"What's happening?" Luke whispered. "W-why isn't she remembering anything?"

"She's delirious," Harry whispered. "She's close to septic shock..." a soft knock sounded at the door as Tim walked into the room.

"Emma... thank god," he muttered, injecting the antibiotic into her IV. "Are you okay?" Her eyes opened once again and she looked up at him, confusion etched into her features. She looked around at the three men around her with fear in her eyes.

"W-who are you?"

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