Chapter 23 Graduation Race 3

Start from the beginning

Our plan was to not wear a fancy dress under our gown but simply our racing gear and boots. Our school really don't care what you wear just as long as it's somewhat nice it don't matter. I never found out why they never cared about what we wore. We set the boots out to dry and headed back inside to finish everything else.

Everything was ready and I gave maddy a ride back to her house. I headed back home and passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up unusually in a good mood maybe it's because I was officially graduating today. I got up out of bed and ran across the hall into Arron and Jases room. I jumped up on Arron's bed and landed on something hard.

"God damn it Danielle get off of me." I laughed until I was rolled off his bed onto the floor. It hurt my arm but I didn't stop.

"Com'on Arron today is a big day." He groaned and rolled out of bed. I smiled and walked back into my room to get ready. My hair was curled and I was buckling the last strap on my racing boots when maddy came running in my room with a huge smile on her face.

"I can't believe it Danielle were actually graduating today." I laughed and grabbed my bag full of things I might need. Maddy and I ran out to my jeep with huge smiles on her face.

I found a parking spot and we jumped out. I grabbed my bag and walked inside to change. Then I switched into my pants and jersey and slipped my boots on.

Before I knew it I was walking across the stage to get my diploma. My mom was in tears seeing her set of twins crossing the stage. It still would be awhile till Jase would graduate.

Everybody was done and everything was said and we were outside taking pictures. I snuck away from the crowd with Maddy we had window markers in our hands with huge smiles on our faces.

I jumped up in the bed of Dustin's truck and wrote "good luck racing tonight baby #831." Then I made my way over to his window and wrote I love you and all kinds of different things.

Maddy and I made our way back to everybody and finished what we needed to do.

What felt like three hours we were heading out to Dustin's truck. We walked around the corner and a huge smile spread across his face. He ran over to me and swung me over his shoulder.

"Dustin put me down." He shook his head no and I sighed. Their was no way I could get him to let me down this time. He opened the passenger side door and set me inside. His hand cupped around my cheek and made me turn to him. He placed a long slow kiss on my lips.

Whenever he wraps his hand around my cheek and kisses me it absolutely melts my heart. My whole body goes limp and I just don't know.

He walked over to his drivers side door and jumped up in and sent me a smile. We headed to my house with country music spitting out the speakers.

We pulled into my driveway and I kissed Dustin goodbye even though I would be seeing him in less than 30 minutes.

I ran up to my room to grab all my gear that I needed for the race and I ran back downstairs to Maddy and my jeep.

I smiled when I saw my jeep. I don't know how I didn't see it earlier. Dustin had wrote stuff all over the right of my windshield and my side window.

"Are you ready." I nodded my head and jumped in the drivers seat. Maddy and I made our way to Dustin's house, our favorite songs playing from the speakers.

When we got their the guys were packed up and Dustin was pushing my fourwheeler in the trailer. I quickly ran over and helped him out but I was slung over his shoulder again and put in the front seat.

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