L: "I understand that but I don't think I can...rely on you. I still can't trust you and I think I'd rather do this myself."

B: "And where did that get you?"

L: "What...?"

Silence filled the room while Liam waited for his response, the backpack began to tap his fingers on his legs, completely unaware that he was doing so.

B: "Tell me this Liam and tell me no more. Where did trying to do this solo land you?"

L: "...Here..?"

B: "And do you know why you're here? I'd like for you to enlighten me on why you're currently tranquillized."

L: "...Because I tried to do this my way, alone..?"

B: "Exactly. You trying to do this alone without a plan, caused you to think that attacking the man that clearly has power over you, is a good idea. It wasn't and I saw that. He's well aware of what he's doing, he's smart. Now, I may be all in for killing the f**ker but you're not exactly capable of doing so. You had a big opportunity to stab him in the throat and you didn't take it, he knows that you will only threaten him but won't properly attack him and he'll keep note of that. He'll keep note that you're hesitant. He'll keep note of a lot of things about you and he can use that to his advantage. Do you understand everything I've just said?"

L: "I understand."

B: "Listen, I'm not trying to pressure you into this but I feel like it's the only way to keep you safe. You've been hurt so many times already and I can't stand to see that happen. I know what I'm doing, I know how to help. You just need to agree to my help, Liam."

Liam chuckles a small bit, he looked at this Bryce straight in the eyes.

L: "You sure you're a Bryce Hansen? You don't act like one."

Bryce joins in on the slight laughter, pulling his hands down from his "chin" and crossing them on the table.

B: "Yeah, I'm sure."

L: "Really? Last time I checked I remember Bryce being grumpy and fed up with me!"

B: "I'm just his soft side."

That sentence alone caused the backpack to raise an eyebrow.

L: 'Bryce has a soft side? No...he couldn't...could he???'

L: "Soft side? Why I'd never thought."

B: "Yeah, big ol grumpy Bryce has a soft spot for ya, may not seem like it but it's there."

Liam's eyes widened a bit and the backpack could feel his face heat up a bit.


B: "Heh, you good? Your handle is flapping about."

Liam immediately became flustered. Of course his handle had to give him away, didn't it? He would just need to play it off and get back to what this talk was about.

L: "I'm p-pefectly fi-fine! We have gotten a b-bit sidetracked, let's continue."

Looking towards Bryce, his white eyes read an expression of "I know you're lying and I know what's going on". I mean, how wouldn't he know? Liam's face is a completely different shade of green than what is was a few moments ago but he let's it slide.

B: "Right, back to this. Are you going to agree to my help for your escape?"

L: 'I take in a deep breath as I close my eyes. He knows what he's doing. He wants to help. I open my eyes again and look him in his eyes. I open my mouth to speak.'

L: "You seem to know what you're doing and although I don't trust you a hundred percent, I'll take your help. It seems like I'll need it."

Bryce's eyes formed an arch once again after hearing the back pack's answer.

B: "That's good to hear. Now remember, if you want me, call me. You can do it in your head and I'll appear too. It's about time that tranquilliser wore off, time sure does fly. I'll see you soon."

L: "Yeah, I'll see ya."

L: 'Everything becomes a blur and I open my eyes once again, I woke up in my room this time. As I sat up I heard sniffles. Evelyn? I was in the middle of the floor so I turned to my right and I saw her on the bed, knees up to her chest and it looks like she's crying. Why would she-..........There's a bandage around her wrist.'

L: "E-Eve..?"

Liam called the girl's name, only now realising how raspy his voice sounds at the moment. The girl looked up and immediately got off the bed and ran to hug the backpack before she started sobbing. Liam knew what happened and he...didn't stop it. He couldn't do much other than comfort the girl to the best of his ability.

L: 'I'm sorry I couldn't stop this from happening, I will get us out, all of us out. I just hope I didn't make a mistake in trusting that Bryce for his help...'

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