Chapter Eleven

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Poke, Poke


Poke, Poke


Liam opened his eyes to something poking him, he expected it to be Evelyn but what he didn't expect was to see a dark figure almost on him.


He immediately clasped his hand over his mouth after whisper-shouting that. The backpack glanced over the bed to find that he hadn't awoke the girl, he turned back and faced the figure. It was completely black with two white eyes. The shape seems...familiar to Liam.

L: "The hell are you and what do you want?"

?: "Calm down first."

L: "You...have to be sh*tting me...I know that voice...why are there more of you? Was one not enough!?"

?: "Do you want out and to see the real me or not!?"

Liam groaned and rolled his eyes, it was another hallucination of the soda bottle he adored, the one now and before seemed different. This one wants to get him out while the other just basically tormented the poor bag and let's not get started on the one in The Waiting Room because that one had to be the real one, right?

L: "Yes I do but I don't see how these fake versions of Bryce, like yourself, can do much other than torment me!"

B: "The first one you saw was because of how strong that stuff was and the second one in that afterlife place wasn't even real either. I'm not real myself but I can assure you Liam that I'm not like those. I can help you escape."

L: "Not real? What do you mean that one wasn't real!? I could feel him, feel the heat off him and-"

B: "Do you remember when the real Soda Bottle was in The Waiting Room? He began walking in the opposite direction of the radio because he saw someone that he cared about. You couldn't see them and you dragged him away, stopping him from leaving you. That's what happened to you. You care and love him to the point where he appeared to you in there and he was dragging you away from the radio. If you weren't brought back from your knock out near death experience because of that anesthetic, you wouldn't have been able to come back like all those other times. You'd be long gone Liam. You can't trust anyone in this damn place, your vision is beyond f**ked and you see weird sh*t because of that. I am just a hallucination, yes, but I'm also a guide, a guide for you to get out of this place with the others. I know what I'm doing and you should too."

The backpack stared at the figure in front of him in disbelief. He did remember Bryce walking off multiple times and having to drag his a** back to the radio but how could he trust this "guide" if he's just another hallucination?

L: "How can I trust you then?"

B: "Knowing you, you probably won't trust me no matter what I say but I will confirm that I'm basically like a voice in your head, telling you what to do because only you can see me. I've already said that I know what I'm doing and I want to help you. I'll give you some time to think about things and if you want my help because I understand that I'm extremely untrustworthy at the moment and I did say to trust no-one but if you decide on this or need me for anything, just call me and I'll be with ya, okay?"

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