"I'm a genius, did you know?"

Start from the beginning

Harry laughed and patted Draco's arm, "Of course."

With that, Harry rose from his seat and began walking.

"Harry?" Draco called after him, "Harry what're you doing?"

Harry kept walking to the other side of the Great Hall, catching James' eye on the way and winking. James frowned in confusion at the gesture, nudging Lily and whispering something in her ear. Harry looked away and focused on the three Gryffindors that had stopped their conversation to look at him with something resembling anticipation and fear. In fact, most of the Great Hall was watching as he took a seat next to Theo, opposite Granger and Weasley.

"Morning Gryffindors," Harry said cheerfully, "Any news? Any gossip?"

Weasley was looking at him like he was insane, his mouth hanging open slightly. Granger regarded him like he was a puzzle, like his behaviour was something to be solved. But Theo's reaction was what solidified Harry's plan. Theo's reaction is what made him sure that Harry could turn him.

The young Potter's face lit up and he beamed at his brother, "Hi Harry!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "What're you doing over here? Slytherins never sit with Gryffindors."

Harry shrugged, "Just wanted to talk to my," he looked around before whispering, "brother." in Theo's ear.

The boy's face almost cracked under the huge smile it was bearing. As Harry leant away from Theo, he caught James' eye again, smirking. Harry could see the suspicion in the man's eyes, and he revelled in it.

"So, Harry," the mudblood said, "How're you finding your classes so far?"

"Easy," Harry replied immediately, "Too easy. My father and I were learning this course material when I was thirteen."

Granger's face paled at the mention of Harry's 'father'.

"Really?" Theo said hesitantly.

It was quite sad that Theo was so desperate for his brother's acceptance, Harry thought, that he would encourage conversation about the Dark Lord for Merlin's sake.

"Oh yes," Harry said, his full attention on Theo, who was lapping it up like a puppy, "He's a very good teacher you know? Surprisingly patient when he wants to be."

"Oi! You shut up about that creep," Weasel said.

Harry turned to him, his face was red, making his freckles stand out even more.

"I apologise," Harry said, "I wasn't aware you knew my father personally."

Weasley spluttered stupidly for a few painful seconds before the mudblood saved him.

"What Ron means to say is that you don't have to talk about... him. You're safe now," she said happily, as if her words weren't burning holes in Harry's chest, "You never have to go back to him again."

Theo was nodding along happily, and Harry couldn't have that.

"You're mistaken Granger," Harry said, "Did you know that I was tied to a chair while I bled out on someone's carpet when they first kidnapped me? That doesn't seem very safe."

"What?!" Theo exclaimed.

Harry smirked on the inside at eliciting the response he had hoped for. It was all about planting the seeds of doubt. Harry watched as Theo looked at his parents with a combination of hurt and betrayal.

"I can't believe they'd hurt you like that," Theo said, softer.

Of course Harry failed to mention that they didn't exactly know he was Harry Potter when they brought him in for...well, murder. But that wasn't necessary in Harry's plan.

Cringing on the inside, Harry placed a hand on Theo's shoulder, "Don't worry about it, I'm fine now."

Theo's eyes flicked between the hand on his shoulder and Harry's face, a hopeful light in his eyes that Harry wanted to snuff out with his boot.

All at once, students began to get up from their seats for the first lesson of the day. Harry stood gracefully, grinning at a confused and concerned Granger and Weasley.

"I'll see you two soon, potions next," he turned to Theo, "I'll see you later yeah? We have some catching up to do."

As Harry strode out of the Great Hall, Draco ran to catch up with him.

"What the fuck was that Harry? Sitting with the Gryffindors?"

Harry turned to him, grinning, "Stop worrying, I'm a genius remember?"


Guess who's baaaack

I think someone commented that Harry should turn Theo dark and I loved that idea, so here is the beginning of Harry's master plan. The next few chapters will be Harry working on Theo before Christmas, when he plans to get back to Voldie.

Sorry for taking so long to update, I've been... Not writing.

(I'll bring Kaa back in the next chapter, I haven't forgotten)

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